Zoe Chace
Zoe Chace (@zchace) (She/Her) is a producer for This American Life .
She was formerly as a reporter with NPR’s Planet Money team. She started as an intern with NPR in 2008.
On January 27, 2017, Donald Trump's executive order closed U.S. borders to citizens of seven majority-Muslim nations. Some of the people locked out were already on their way... mid-flight.
Many more to be added in the weeks to come!
With the ink on the ballots still wet, Third Coast dives into the past year of political reporting. How were journalists most - and least - successful covering the presidential election and its voters? And: where do we go from here?
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Best News Feature and Radio Impact. Additionally, Ira Glass of This American Life created The Little Mermaid Award to honor beautifully produced work that is out for fun.