Yowei Shaw
Yowei Shaw (she/her) is an award-winning podcast producer, reporter, and self-proclaimed emotional-investigative journalist.
She hosts the podcast Proxy, a show about niche emotional questions, answered through conversations with strangers who have shared experience. In her previous life, she spent many years making Invisibilia, first as producer, then as co-host and editorial lead. In her spare time, she makes fan art of her friends and dabbles in bodywork, mostly to get to say "Yowei Shpa."
When Yowei Shaw was in college, her parents' relationship began to change.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2012 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2012 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
This hour people trying their best — and sometimes failing miserably — to make a connection.
Every other fall, the Third Coast stretches its wings, embraces a film festival model (minus the popcorn - too noisy) and presents the Third Coast Filmless Festival - a celebration of sound, story, and the art of listening.
The 2017 Third Coast/RHDF Competition awards the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention and Directors' Choice), Best New Artist, Radio Impact, Best News Feature, Skylarking and Best Foreign Language.