Sherre DeLys

Sherre DeLys' work has included sound sculpture and installation, improvised vocal music, sound designs for theater and film, radio art and documentaries.

She works at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.


Jarman's Garden

Throughout the long illness at the end of his life, fllmmaker Derek Jarman put an extraordinary amount of passion and physical labor into his uniqe and rugged garden.

A mix of fiction, fantasy and fact, The Dry vs. the Moist is an intercontinental collaboration between three artists: the U.S. writer Rick Moody, the Australian sound artist (and Radio Eye producer) Sherre DeLys, and pianist Chris Abrahams (the Necks).

Form dances with function in this "seriously uncompromising"* and seriously compelling piece not so much about John Cage, as of the composer, music theorist, mycologist and artist, John Cage.

This hour: a young patient escapes his hospital bed through flights of imagination, a musician documents a city under siege, and more.



Music and sound bring layers of meaning to your work. Incorporating them most effectively starts with looking for the movement and metaphor in your materials. Using examples from her own features, Sherre DeLys presents different approaches to integrated sound design.

Image as Metaphor

Do metaphors inherently deepen a story? Can using metaphors be more effective than revealing direct facts and information about a subject?
