Noah Adams
Noah Adams worked at NPR for over thirty years, where he cohosted All Things Considered and was also National Desk reporter since 2003.
He began working in radio three decades ago as a volunteer DJ at a Kentucky station, and was beckoned to the news side by a local environmental issue.
Adams has written five books, only one of which is about radio. He lives in Yellow Springs, OH, and "still has panicky dreams about not being to get to the studio when the program's starting." He also claims, "I still dream in analog."
This hour: we're diving into the archives and rewinding our way to the 1970s and 80s, sampling some of the fascinating, strange, and hilarious work that was produced when public radio was a medium without a real template.
From CF and SD memory cards back to 24-track - with stops for MD, DAT, and cassette - Noah Adams rambles through 30 years of radio production, playing the stories that inspired his own work and that of countless others.
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Radio Impact and Lifetime Achievement.
October 9-11, Orrington Hotel, Evanston IL