Michael Kavanagh
Michael Kavanagh is an independent reporter and producer based in New Haven, Connecticut.
He began working in radio as an intern at NPR's Talk of the Nation and then went on to work for The Connection, On the Media, and The Next Big Thing. He has taught and mentored WNYC's Radio Rookies and trained community radio journalists in Afghanistan. His domestic and foreign reporting now appears regularly on NPR & PRI's news magazines, Slate, Grist, and the Boston Globe. Kavanagh was a 2004 Pew Fellow in International Journalism.
In America's high schools, students are playing a game whose only rule is to break the rules.
This hour: tongue twisters, brain teasers, cheaters, and one of the worst high school football teams of all time.
For the 2005 ShortDocs Challenge, we asked producers to submit ideas for stories about "games."
October 20 - 22, Chicago