Michael Ferstenfeld
Michael Ferstenfeld is the Producing Artistic Director and co-founder of Austin, TX-based theatre company, DYSTHEATRE, which is short for "Do You See Theatre," a card-carrying member of two-time B.
Iden Payne award-winning and internationally touring comedy troupe "Confidence Men: Improvised Mamet," one of the teaching staff at MerlinWorks School of Improvisation at ZACH Theatre, and a producer of comedy and variety shows inspired by This American Life, Doctor Who, David Mamet, Shakespeare and more.
Austin, Texas based experimental performance art group Happiness is a Choice use improvisation and their unique style of meta-theater to learn about each other and about the moments that they share on stage.
Three acts of This Umamican Life here in Austin, TX in the style of This American LIVE, the live theatre show inspired by This American Life.
My 8 year old nephew's first undercover journalism gig.