Marianne McCune
Marianne McCune (@mariannemccune) is currently an audio reporter at WNYC on the United States of Anxiety podcast.
She spent the last decade and a half reporting in New York for NPR and WNYC. She is also the founder of Radio Rookies, WNYC's award-winning series of stories from New York teenagers.
As lawmakers continued to debate immigration reform in 2010, the Obama administration pushed for a path to citizenship.
A decade ago, WNYC's news team spent days, months, and then years reporting on the World Trade Center attacks and their aftermath.
After Superstorm Sandy hit New York in October 2013, power outages covered large swaths of the city.
In Heroin, teenager Janesse Nieves confronts her father about his heroin addiction, and eloquently shares her own feelings of confusion, anger, embarrassment and disgust.
Jaimita Haskell was given the opportunity to take advanced classes at her high school, an experience she found stimulating and rewarding.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2013 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2013 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
This hour: a girl goes on tour with her parents and a woman returns to her homeland in Iran after 40 years away.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2013 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2013 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2012 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2012 TC/RHDF Competition.
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts this year's national broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2011 TC/RHDF Competition.
Guess what? You can tell great stories on the news, too.
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Best News Feature and Radio Impact.
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Radio Impact, Lifetime Achievement and Audio Luminary.