Logan Jaffe
Logan Jaffe (@loganjaffe) is WBEZ Curious City’s multimedia producer.
She’s made all sorts of interactives, documentaries and radio stories, as well as a lot of bad puns. Sometimes they overlap.
A regular at Victory's Banner restaurant in Roscoe Village, Marge Stumpf doesn't show up one day.
This hour: We showcase some of our favorite stories from the 2013 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge: Appetite!
Learn how sharing the mic and megaphone can expand your beat, your stories, and your craft.
Radio Impact 2016 Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Competition
The winners of the 2016 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition were selected from over 550 entries from around the world.
November 7-9, Holiday Inn Mart Plaza, Chicago