Laine Kaplan-Levenson
Laine Kaplan-Levenson (@LaineKapLev) is a multimedia producer in New Orleans, LA and the host/producer of New Orleans Public Radio WWNO’s podcasts TriPod: New Orleans at 300 and Sticky Wicket. In addition, Laine is a freelance journalist and has filed for NPR, Marketplace , Latino USA, and many other national print & radio outlets. Before delving into longform audio storytelling, Laine was WWNO’s Coastal Producer, and reported on the land loss crisis in Louisiana. Laine is also a storytelling consultant, and works with podcast companies, media organizations, educational programs, and more.
In 2017, Laine's podcast TriPod was voted Best Radio Show by the New Orleans Press Club awards and has won numerous regional Edward R. Murrow awards. Laine also won a region Edward R. Murrow 'Best Documentary' award for their longform documentary feature, Haiti and New Orleans: Is the Feeling Mutual?
Laine is very active in New Orleans storytelling & arts communities. They are the founder and lead producer of the live storytelling series, Bring Your Own, where each show is presented in partnership with a different local organization including The LGBTQ+ Community Center, the New Orleans Museum of Art, and more. Laine is also a producer with Last Call, a multiracial collective of queer artists, activists, and archivists in New Orleans. Of course, Last Call also has a podcast!
Neighbors on a New Orleans street corner investigate a peculiar noise that everyone hears, but no one can find it.
In a domestic sea of Amstel Light, Where's the Amstel Heavy?