Katie Davis
Katie Davis is the Senior Producer of The Story, a national show that showcases first person story telling and independent work.
Davis worked for NPR for more than a decade in various jobs including field producer, reporter and host. She went on to produce an independent series for NPR’s All Things Considered called Neighborhood Stories, which became the inspiration of a book she is finishing.
Katie Davis takes along her microphone when she is drafted to "coach" a high school basketball team in her neighborhood, allowing us to listen in as she stumbles through the season.
A growing number of African-American men are converting to Islam while in prison. In this story you'll meet several of them, all living in a medium-security prison in Logan, Illinois, and hear how the "call of Islam" fills a silence and a vacuum in their lives.
No one likes to make mistakes, but the difference between you (brilliant producer) and the guy next to you (average producer) is in learning how to use those mistakes to your advantage.
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Best News Feature and Radio Impact.
October 16-19, Chicago