Kari Hesthamar
Kari Hesthamar has worked for the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, NRK radio and television since 1996, and in the NRK feature department since 1998. She often gives workshops around Norway and Europe, and has won numerous awards for her work, including the Prix Europa (1999, 2004) and the Prix Italia (2003). Hesthamar has been a member of the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) Project Group since 2003.
Canadian musician Leonard Cohen insists he hardly remembers anything from his past and that he lives mostly in the present.
Kari Hesthamar demonstrates the distinctive sound of Norwegian radio features by playing and talking about some of the most important elements of her own work -- creating small films for listeners' ears, capturing the true essence of a scene, and producing stories that come alive through the use of the present tense.
This year we honored the best audio work in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Radio Impact and Audio Luminary.
2006 Third Coast Conference