David Isay
David Isay is the founder of Sound Portraits Productions and StoryCorps.
Over the course of his career he's won almost every award in broadcasting, including four Peabody Awards and two Robert F. Kennedy Awards. Isay has also received the Prix Italia, a Guggenheim fellowship, and a MacArthur Fellowship. He is the author (or co-author) of three books based on Sound Portraits radio stories -- Holding On, Our America: Life and Death on the South Side of Chicago, and Flophouse -- as well as Listening Is an Act of Love, a collection of StoryCorps stories.
My Lobotomy explores one of medical history's most controversial chapters -- when transorbital lobotomies were widely condoned -- through one man's personal journey.
Times Square teems with people -- hardened New Yorkers and wide-eyed tourists, commuters and shoppers, theater-goers and merchants, prostitutes and policemen.
The Ground We Lived On documents the loving relationship between journalist Adrian Nicole LeBlanc and her father, Adrian Leon LeBlanc, in the last months of his life.
This week: every country song tells a story and has a story behind it.
This hour: whether it is a mob of millions or one single voice, nothing changes unless someone stands up and says, "No more."
This hour: To do lists, compulsive lists, data lists, lists in literature and a list of firsts.
This hour: From the highest fresh water lake in the world to one of the lowest spots on the bowery, we bring you stories of nomadic cultures, peoples and spirits.
This hour: two stories that get incredibly, intimately, close to their subjects.
This hour: foxes, rabbits, snakes, whales, birds, lambs, and dogs.
This hour: gods, idols, worshipers, and skeptics.
In 1993, LeAlan Jones (age 13) and Lloyd Newman (age 14) collaborated with public radio producer David Isay to create an audio diary of life on Chicago's South Side.
David Isay and Alex Kotlowitz both try to discover extraordinary stories in "ordinary people."
There's a slip of paper hanging in Dave Isay's office at StoryCorps with a quote scrawled across it: "A good craftsman leaves no traces."
David Isay and Dan Collison play excerpts of their radio documentary work and discuss specific challenges, triumphs, and surprises encountered while producing various stories.
November 7-9, Holiday Inn Mart Plaza, Chicago
2004 Third Coast Conference
October 26-27, Holiday Inn, Chicago