Christopher Lydon
Christopher Lydon is the host of Open Source, a public-radio conversation with Internet roots and links. In the background now are too many years in straight journalism, covering city and state politics for the Boston Globe and presidential campaigns (McGovern, Humphrey, Reagan, Carter et al.) for the New York Times, anchoring The Ten O'Clock News at WGBH-TV in Boston, and founding The Connection with Mary McGrath at WBUR. Chris Lydon had run for mayor of Boston in 1993 -- a spur-of-the-moment stab at making a difference, or perhaps just surprising himself. In 1994, it turned out, the surprise that made the difference was radio.
The Whole Wide World tackles issues of globalization by featuring leading economists, historians, political scientists, and some of the most influential artists, novelists, and musicians of our time. This episode focuses the restaging of an Athenian play as well as modern tales from refugees on the run from Bosnia, Haiti, China, and Somalia.