Allan Coukell
Allan Coukell is director of policy at the Prescription Project, and is the former health and science reporter at at WBUR, Boston's NPR news station.
He established Radio New Zealand's weekly Eureka! science program in 1999. More recently, he's been producer, reporter, and fill-in host for programs including including Here & Now, On Point, and The Connection, and occasionally for special podcasts for Nature. He has written for the New York Times, the Economist, and New Scientist magazine, and has contributed to the BBC World Service, Radio Netherlands International, Marketplace, and Morning Edition, among others. He teaches at Northeastern University School of Journalism and is the recipient of an Edward R Murrow Award for hard news reporting.
Grey Ghost is the story of one man and a bird -- or possibly just of one man. It is also the story of an obsession.
Most producers and reporters spend their days "feeding the machine" -- cranking out short-form work on a daily, sometimes hourly deadline, with no time for second guesses. However, a lot of news coverage is formulaic and, frankly, dull.
This year we gave awards in the following categories: Best Documentary (Gold, Silver, Bronze, Honorable Mention), Directors Choice, Best New Artist, Public Service and Lifetime Achievement.
2004 Third Coast Conference