Directors' Choice
Each submission entered into the TC/RHDF Competition is automatically considered for the Director’s Choice (DC) award.
- 5 Tracks
- 1.8 Hours
Best Documentary: Short
Best Documentary: Short (BDS) awards stories that are short on time, but not short on craft or ambition… and that deserve a bigger platform!
- 3 Tracks
- 0.3 Hours
20 Years of the Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition
On March 9, 2021, Richard H. Driehaus, the founding donor of the Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition, passed away.
- 20 Tracks
- 7.8 Hours
Best News Feature (BNF)
The Best News Feature (BNF) award honors exceptional news features reported worldwide on any platform.
- 5 Tracks
- 0.9 Hours
Audio Unbound (AU)
Created in 2020, Audio Unbound (AU) awards audio works that experiment with format, function, genre, and go beyond the typical podcast feed or broadcast airwaves.
- 3 Tracks
- 1.4 Hours
Best Documentary: Non-English Language
Best Documentary: Non-English Language (BDNEL) is a category dedicated to celebrating and promoting outstanding audio work produced specifically in a language or languages other than English, from anywhere in the world.
- 6 Tracks
- 2.4 Hours
Best New Artist (BNA)
The Best New Artist (BNA) award goes to a single piece made by an outstanding emerging producer (or group of producers) who entered the audio field within two years of the publication of their entry.
- 7 Tracks
- 2.2 Hours
Best Documentary (BD)
The Best Documentary category celebrates narrative audio stories in any language that embrace — and complicate — traditions of documentary and non-fiction storytelling.
- 9 Tracks
- 4.6 Hours
The Impact award recognizes an audio story that has made a significant impact on an individual or community, broadly defined.
- 6 Tracks
- 2.2 Hours
Best Serialized Story (BSS)
The Best Serialized Story (BSS) category awards narrative audio stories that unfold over multiple episodes, chapters, or installments that build on a larger narrative or concept — exactly how is open to the interpretation of the creator or creators.
- 6 Tracks
- 2.8 Hours
Winners of the 2019 Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Competition
Announcing the winners of the 2019 Third Coast/RHDF Competition!
- 11 Tracks
- 4.5 Hours
6 Stories. 6 Producers To Know.
To kick off 2019, Third Coast invited producers whose narrative audio work we’ve never featured before, to send us the best story they’ve made recently. We called it the Producer Index Challenge.
- 6 Tracks
- 2 Hours
- Maya Goldberg-Safir
- Johanna Zorn
- Emily Kennedy
Radio Residents!
Featuring work from across the years made by alums of the Third Coast Radio Residency.
- 7 Tracks
- 3.1 Hours
Announcing the winners of the 2018 Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Competition!
Announicing the winners of the 2018 Third Coast/RHDF Competition!
- 12 Tracks
- 6.2 Hours
Phones & Phonebooths
Dial in to 1-800-STO-RIES! A collection about calls and the devices we use to make them, inspired by Re:sound #259 Divided We Payphone.
- 6 Tracks
- 2.7 Hours
A Jury of One's Peers
Every year Third Coast enlists a new cohort of exceptionally talented producers to be the judges of the Third Coast / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.
- 6 Tracks
- 3.5 Hours
Joe Frank is Watching You
In January of 2018, one of radio's greatest artists passed away. But we're sure we'll be haunted by Joe Frank forever - in the best of ways.
- 6 Tracks
- 1 Hours
Families Make Great Tape
We know... spending the holiday season with your family can be fraught, even painful. But whether or not you actually like your family, remember that you can always get a great story out of them.
- 9 Tracks
- 1.7 Hours
Announcing the winners of the 2017 Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Competition!
Congratulations, winners!
- 11 Tracks
- 4.3 Hours
2017 Third Coast Conference Presenters
Get to know some of the 2017 Conference Presenters through their featured and award-winning stories from the Third Coast archives!
- 6 Tracks
- 2.9 Hours
Take This to the Beach
Add this playlist to your beach bag!
- 8 Tracks
- 3.1 Hours
Obstruction of Justice
What happens when justice is delayed, denied, or interrupted - and the people who are tangled up in the process.
- 6 Tracks
- 3.3 Hours
S-Towns: Stories from Small Towns
After finishing all 7 Chapters of Serial's S-Town, we're craving stories from other small towns that reveal life in all of its complexities.
- 10 Tracks
- 3.1 Hours
An homage to those who've made history as fierce, undeniable, unusual women.
- 8 Tracks
- 2.9 Hours
First it was a Radio Story!
With the 2017 Oscars on the horizon, we’re thinking about the podcasts & radio stories that made it all the way to Hollywood.
- 5 Tracks
- 2.7 Hours