Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Hong Kong Song
The sounds of the city resonate as Hong Kong comes to life through audio mosaic and three voices: a traveler remembers, newscasters rattle off facts and statistics, a young woman recalls a legend from her fading childhood.
- 2010
- 09:23
- Jens Jarisch

Two Wheels to Nowhere
One man, one motorcycle, 13,843 miles, 89 days, 37 states, 166 interviews.
- 2010
- 30:33
- Aengus Anderson
Last Words from Hopi High
For nearly a thousand years the Hopi people of Arizona have lived on the same three mesas and for all that time they've spoken the Hopi language. But now elders and youth alike say the language is dying.
- 2010
- 06:15
- Brett Myers

The Dead News Network
Anne is a 37-year-old mother of two. Her husband Paul is a carpenter. She lives in an ordinary house, in a medium-sized Irish town, about a half-hour drive from Dublin. From the outside, Anne's life couldn't look more normal.
- 2010
- 36:16
- Colette Kinsella

City Nights: Star for Sale
A man visits a star sale, where auctioneers are selling off the cosmos to the highest bidder. The Southern Cross, Orion's Belt, the Big Dipper -- they're all up for grabs.
- 2010
- 05:07
- Gretchen Miller

After the Wars: Bill Stenberg
Bill Stenberg says he was just "standing on the corner with a friend, the way guys do" when he decided to enlist in the military.
- 2010
- 05:51
- Ben Calhoun

First Steps
Raising kids is one of life's biggest and most complicated adventures. Sometimes a basic task can present a monumental challenge - especially for new parents.

One Way Ticket to Mars
NASA is figuring out how to take the next great leap into space. The difficulty is, if we leap to Mars, we might not make it back.
- 2010
- 09:10
- Roman Mars

The Too Hard Basket
Only in the last 60 years or so have people begun to talk openly about sex, but one group is often left out of the discussion.
- 2010
- 52:40
- John Blades

Resound #137 The Jazz and Freedom Show
This hour: Jazz and the struggle for civil rights in South Africa and the U.S.
- 2010
- 59:30
- Multiple producers

Passing Stranger
Ron Padgett and Andrei Codrescu recall a night in 1968, when fellow poet Kenneth Koch was assassinated, or so it seemed, during a reading at St. Mark's Church in New York City.
- 2010
- 05:13
- Pejk Malinovski

Deliverance Day
Spontaneous songwriter Abraham Levitan composed this inaugural Re:sound wrap up song for the Chicago Show, reflecting on Wild Onion by host Gwen Macsai and the Third Coast Chicago Sound Drops.
- 2010
- 0
- Abraham Levitan

Breaking Away
Luzer Twersky was raised as a Hasidic Jew. At the age of 23 he decided to leave his family and everything he'd ever known to move into secular society. His upbringing had been strict -- no school, no movies, no dates, no jobs. Otrasized from his community, he entered a world he knew very little about.
- 2010
- 21:35
- Josh Gleason

The Taking Care Show
This hour: the delicate interdependence between being in need and answering the call to help.
- 2010
- 59:00
- Katie Mingle

Re:sound #124: The Kids Show
This hour: kids sing opera, they talk about life on a remote island, and they opine about running the world.
- 2010
- 58:26
- Alix Blair
- Neil Sandell
- Alessandro Bosetti
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #131: The Space Show
This hour: a one way mission to mars, a Russian cosmonaut's favorite music, the Voyager golden record, the sound of the northern lights, and more.