Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Hana's Suitcase
When the Children's Holocaust Education Center in Tokyo acquired Hana Brady's suitcase, all they knew was that Hana was born in Czechoslovakia in 1931 and died at Auschwitz at age 13.
- 2001
- 29:08
- Karen Levine

In The Event Of An Emergency, Put Your Sister In An Upright Position
Every year on the day after Christmas, children of divorced parents are shuttled across the United States, from one parent to the other.
- 2001
- 29:08
- Susan Burton

Mucho Corazon
Mucho Corazon tells the story of Leon Perlee, who builds and restores antique street organs in Holland's oldest surviving street organ business, and Milades Sosa, who works at a Cuban organ factory.
- 2001
- 42:28
- Chris Brookes
- Michele Ernsting

The Stans (INC)
Here's the entertaining and provocative story of a group of Americans seeking adventure, new experiences, and maybe a little bit of extra-marital sex while traveling through Central Asia into Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Afghanistan. One thing makes itself abundantly clear: all of their well-laid plans and pre-conceptions about what to expect were terribly mistaken.
- 2001
- 0
- Ben Adair

"Diamond" Jimmy Roy
At one time "Diamond" Jimmy Roy owned half the businesses in Braddock, Pennsylvania, a steel town just outside Pittsburgh.
- 2001
- 19:00
- Dan Collison

The Graying of the Convent
Documentarian Mary Beth Kirchner lived in a Chicago convent to produce this intimate portrait of aging Catholic nuns.
- 2001
- 29:12
- Mary Beth Kirchner

Educating Esme
Esme Cordell shares a year's worth of classroom anecdotes and musings, culled from a journal kept throughout her first year teaching in Chicago.
- 2001
- 59:03
- Esme Cordell

The Century in Sound: An American's Perspective
Voice of America's The Century in Sound is a radio documentary that chronicles the entire 20th century without narration.
- 2001
- 38:26
- Adam Phillips

Road Scholar
You might recognize Andrei Codrescu's voice from his insightful commentaries on NPR, but Codrescu has also brought his unique perspective on American culture to the silver screen, via the movie Road Scholar.
- 2001
- 21:45
- Andrei Codrescu

Jarman's Garden
Throughout the long illness at the end of his life, fllmmaker Derek Jarman put an extraordinary amount of passion and physical labor into his uniqe and rugged garden.
- 2001
- 14:49
- Sherre DeLys

Voices From the Dust Bowl
In the 1930's, the Great Depression and Dust Bowl drove farmers and their families from the central states to California.
- 2001
- 22:14
- Barrett Golding

We're Here to Work!
This documentary, part of a series called America's Women: A Legacy of Change, examines how women's lives have changed since they won the vote in 1920s, focusing on the period from World War II through the 1950s.
- 2001
- 29:28
- Doug Partusch
- Sandra Sleight-Brennan

The Change in Farming
This story brings together a young Toronto composer, Adam Goddard, whose passion is music, and his 90-year-old grandfather, Henry Haws, whose passion is farming.
- 2001
- 13:02
- Adam Goddard
- Steve Wadhams

In this nostalgic documentary, tag along with Tupperware dealer Lucky Laurel into the world of Tupperware conventions, regional meetings, and of course, those signature Tupperware parties.
- 2001
- 05:39
- The Kitchen Sisters

Tripura and Om took temporary vows of silence when they first met almost 20 years ago. Joan Schuman produced this sound portrait of their experience by weaving together their vocal memories with an ambient narrative of chalk scratching on slate.
- 2001
- 12:22
- Joan Schuman

Face of Mercy, Face of Hate
Predrag Bundalo was a Serbian fighter in Sarajevo, who everyone called by his nickname, "Gaga." On the eve of his 36th birthday, Gaga stopped to visit an elderly Muslim woman in her apartment.
- 2001
- 21:00
- Michael Montgomery
- Stephen Smith

The first Johnny Rockets opened in 1986 on Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, a concept restaurant embodying the epitome of retro culture.
- 2001
- 34:04
- Paul McCarthy