Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

Tens of thousands of inmates in American prisons live in total isolation. They don't see anyone. They don't talk to anyone. They are completely alone, sometimes for years, in a cell the size of a small bathroom.
- 2009
- 29:00
- Claire Schoen

Soldiers React to Prison Abuse
When Youth Radio reporters in Oakland, CA, spoke with their friends returning home from Iraq, they realized that the public wasn't hearing the perspectives of these young soldiers.
- 2004
- 04:19
- Belia Mayeno Choy

Seratonin Syndrome
Ken Nordine wonders if the warning pamphlets included with many powerful prescriptions may cause some of us to suffer mild paranoia.
- 2004
- 03:36
- Ken Nordine

Sound Design From Hell
Film sound designer Steve Boeddeker demonstrates how sound can be used to enhance the emotional impact of a scene.
- 2002
- 05:47
- Jonathan Mitchell

Steve the Baker
"Without bread we are all orphans," says the sign that greets customers as they walk into Steve's Bread Shop in Portland, Maine. Meet Steve, who bakes bread in the most traditional way possible: by hand.
- 2002
- 05:10
- David Welch

Suicide Bridge
Lines form around the block for the world's most popular suicide spot.
- 2000
- 01:55
- Joe Frank

Tripura and Om took temporary vows of silence when they first met almost 20 years ago. Joan Schuman produced this sound portrait of their experience by weaving together their vocal memories with an ambient narrative of chalk scratching on slate.
- 2001
- 12:22
- Joan Schuman

Swim Lesson
In Scott Carrier's family, learning to swim means spending a few weeks at Al and Betty Switzer's Aquatic School in Center Sandwich, New Hampshire.
- 1996
- 08:10
- Scott Carrier

Sensory Deprivation Tank
Jonathan Goldstein's got a knack for exploring life's great (and simple) mysteries via the telephone.
- 2007
- 06:14
- Jonathan Goldstein

Re:sound #131: The Space Show
This hour: a one way mission to mars, a Russian cosmonaut's favorite music, the Voyager golden record, the sound of the northern lights, and more.

Re:sound #57: The Seeking Show
This hour: spiritual loss and pursuit, an isolated religious community in rural Montana, a grumpy minister, and more.
- 2006
- 59:01
- Benjamen Walker
- Brenda Hutchinson
- Joe Frank
- Roman Mars

Songs of the Earth
Behold, an hour of radio packed with exquisite field recordings from all corners of the planet.
- 2015
- 57:27
- Conor Gillies
- Zack Ezor
- Qainat Khan

Re:sound #73: The Siblings Show
This hour: brothers and sisters contend with family illness.
- 2007
- 59:30
- Julie Kimberly
- Karen Brown
- Roman Mars

Soul of a Man
Ramblin' Jack Elliott has played music with legends like Woody Guthrie, Johnny Cash and Bob Dylan.
- 2013
- 12:10
- Abby Wendle
- Sarah Geis

Re:sound #241 The Smash the Binary Show
This hour, stories that grab hold of our expectations and smash the binary.

The Signing
The bureaucracy surrounding support for the unemployed is often mindless and ultimately de-humanizing for everyone involved.
- 2012
- 08:39
- Ellie Richold
- Nina Garthwaite

Re:sound #10: The Suitcase Show
This hour: a mysterious suitcase, basement bhangra, and more.
- 2004
- 57:59
- Gregory Whitehead
- Karen Levine
- Julie Shapiro

Storymakers Durham
The Storymakers project elicits conversations about race and class that are candid, complicated, and as intimate as eavesdropping on someone else's dinner conversation.
- 2016
- 12:16
- John Biewen
- Courtney Smith

Shocking Pink
Australian anthropologist, botanist, and eccentric Olive Pink waged a 40-year, one-woman civil rights campaign on behalf of the Aboriginal peoples until her death in 1975.
- 2005
- 36:29
- Hollis Taylor
- Jane Ulman

Special Feature: Easy Love
This week on Re:sound, a powerful story of love and loss... plus an interview with Australian producer Jaye Kranz
- 2014
- 17:54
- Jaye Kranz
- Dennis Funk

Senza Parole
Rustle of cardboard and tin foil. Polka dots. A curious island in the middle of the Seine.
- 2014
- 18:37

Someone's Screaming Outside
Someone's Screaming Outside revisits the rainy Florida night George Zimmerman met Trayvon Martin, using only 911 calls from that evening and musical samples from YouTube videos reacting to the tragedy.
- 2012
- 03:30
- Mad Genius

Snow on Plum Blossom
Japanese springtime: the motif of countless haikus and soulful pop songs, spectacular kabuki and elegant Noh plays, short stories, and novels. In Japan, spring begins in winter -- with a lot of noise.
- 2005
- 07:10
- Barbara Entrup
- Malte Jaspersen

S-Town Hall
On April 11, 2017, Third Coast held a public discussion in Chicago to discuss S-Town , the most-buzzed about podcast of the year, from Serial Productions and This American Life .
- 2017
- 01:03:01
- Dennis Funk
- Johanna Zorn
- Maya Goldberg-Safir

Re:sound #49: The Stans Show
This hour: a group of tourists travels through Central Asia, where antics and misbehavior ensue.
- 2006
- 58:31
- Ben Adair
- Roman Mars