Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

The How Are You Doing Project
The How Are You Doing Project is an interactive audio experiment that invites anyone and everyone to call an anonymous hotline and respond to the most frequently posed question of them all.
- 2009
- 02:21
- Laura Mayer

In this short radio play, the consequences of living life in a tinderbox are revealed through a series of scenes taking place within their various rooms.
- 2003
- 09:02
- Susan Stone

How Many Miles to Babylon? or 13 Easy Pieces
Merry-go-rounds often reside deep in our memories, conjuring childhood and the magical ability to be carried far away in the blink of an eye or the spin of a carousel.
- 2006
- 37:48
- Kaye Mortley

The Herrin Massacre
America's history is rich with the stories of antagonistic coal strikes, but the Herrin Massacre of 1922 is a particularly distressing event that resulted in the deaths of nearly two dozen strike-breakers.
- 2003
- 32:01
- Gary Covino

The House I Live In
The historical saga of the song The House I Live In is a study in changing times, changing values, and fickle politics.
- 2003
- 06:58
- Sara Fishko

Hard-Hearted Hannah
Eighteen-year-old Hannah Hoose describes growing up as a part of her family's folk band, with all its healthy snacks, archetypal psychodramas, and oddly compelling songs.
- 2002
- 08:26
- Joni Murphy

The Happiness Project: Mrs. Morris
Musician Charles Spearin lives with his family in a lively neighborhood in downtown Toronto. A year ago, Charles decided to invite neighbors and friends over to conduct interviews loosely based around the topic of happiness.
- 2009
- 01:27
- Charles Spearin

In a blending of both drama and documentary, three bereaved women talk about their real experiences of loss and how they've tried to move forward with their lives. In a parallel drama, their loved ones meet on a beach in "the hinterland," somewhere between life and death.
- 1996
- 44:08
- Sara Conkey

Hollister is an investigation into what really happened on July 4, 1947, when 2,000 bikers roared into a small California town and left a media explosion in their wake.
- 2002
- 15:20
- Helen Borten

Hong Kong Song
The sounds of the city resonate as Hong Kong comes to life through audio mosaic and three voices: a traveler remembers, newscasters rattle off facts and statistics, a young woman recalls a legend from her fading childhood.
- 2010
- 09:23
- Jens Jarisch
How One Martini Can Lead to Your Greatest Triumph
Russell Bienvenue shares how a cocktail party paved the way for legendary architect Renzo Piano to compose Houston's internationally celebrated Menil Collection for art patrons John and Dominique De Menil.
- NA
- 0

Holy Soul
Matthew Power first met poet Allen Ginsberg at his cousin's Bar Mitzvah, when he was a 15-year-old aspiring writer.
- 2004
- 18:40
- Dean Olsher
- Emily Botein
- Matthew Power

Re:sound #56: The Haunting Show
This hour: the story of four small towns that were evacuated and flooded to create one of the biggest reservoirs of drinking water on the east coast.
- 2006
- 58:29
- Sean Cole
- Carolina Wheat
- Roman Mars

Happy Birthday, Darling!
A romantic dinner for two begins with champagne and ends... with all out war.
- 2014
- 09:28
- Dmitry Nikolaev

Healing the Wound of Wounded Knee
Leonard Little Finger is the great-great grandson of Chief Big Foot, whose band of Lakota Sioux Indians were killed at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890.
- 2000
- 16:41
- Hal Cannon
- Taki Telonidis

Hairwaves: A Cautionary Tale
Bouffants, buzz cuts, mohawks, and dreadlocks: no matter the style, hair has played an important social and cultural role throughout human history.
- 2006
- 04:24
- Mark Vernon
- Zoe Irvine

Harper Funeral
A principal reflects on a turbulent year: 27 current or former students shot, 8 of them dead.
- 2013
- 06:35
- Linda Lutton

Haunted by ISIS
On The New York Times ' podcast The Daily , host Michael Barbaro dives into one critical story of the day with a Times’ reporter who knows it best.
- 2017
- 19:36
- Andy Mills
- Rukmini Callimachi

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?
For one month during the summer of 1996, producer Brenda Hutchinson drove her piano from New York City to San Francisco in the back of a U-Haul truck.
- 2002
- 25:58
- Brenda Hutchinson

Hana's Suitcase
When the Children's Holocaust Education Center in Tokyo acquired Hana Brady's suitcase, all they knew was that Hana was born in Czechoslovakia in 1931 and died at Auschwitz at age 13.
- 2001
- 29:08
- Karen Levine

Hearing America: A Century of Music on the Radio (INC)
One hundred years ago, shipboard technicians listening for Morse code messages on their newly installed wireless telegraphs heard something incredible: music.
- 2007
- 0
- Nate DiMeo

The Hunter
They say one man's trash is another man's treasure... Well, in Darren Atkinson's case, it's also his job.
- 2011
- 21:35
- Dominic Girard