Featured Work
Our vast — and ever-growing — collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories from all over the world.

A Drinking Song
Could The Star Spangled Banner be recast as a drinking song? Holger Mohaupt suggests that in this family, it could.
- 2004
- 01:40
- Holger Mohaupt

A Voice of Warning
A heroin overdose left Jade Bell blind, mute and unable to care for himself. Now Bell tours high schools in British Columbia, where his computerized "voice" speaks a loud warning to thousands of students.
- 2002
- 14:31
- Anne Penman
- Trisha Wilson

A Square Meal, Regardless
When Cedric Chambers and John Gallagher met by chance 45 years ago, neither imagined that they'd be caring for each other into old age.
- 2008
- 07:07
- Jen Nathan Orris

Audio Experiments with Place, Matter and Perception (recommended for advanced producers!)
Nick Ryan shares his highly original approach to sound design, presenting a selection of recent experimental work that breaks new creative and technical ground in seeking to explore how sound can be used to represent place, matter, information and human experience.
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Anthony and the Green Goats
Anthony explains the economics of the Goat Farm.
- 2012
- 03:02
- Jenny Ament

A Sense of Place
Filmmaker Tony Hill takes his blind friend to a mystery location, where she discovers her whereabouts solely through her sense of touch.
- 2004
- 04:59
- Tony Hill

The Audio Guide to Grieving
Sometimes, a death in the family means cousins and casseroles. And sometimes — for one reason or another — it means figuring it out on your own.
- 2018
- 15:08
- Melanie Kruvelis

American Student Radio
American Student Radio (ASR) is cultivating your future radio heroes.

At a Loss for Words
"I want to turn you inside out and fold you into a tiny square..." Sometimes the word 'love' just doesn't sum up how we feel about someone.
- 2016
- 21:56
- Mira Burt-Wintonick
- Cristal Duhaime
The Aftermath, Inc., headquarters is nestled in a strip of ordinary office buildings in the Chicago suburbs, but there's nothing bland about the service the company provides.
- 2008
- 17:23
- Laura Kwerel
- Nick van der Kolk

An American Life
Vaughn Hood was a 118-pound barber when he was drafted into the Vietnam War.
- 2015
- 31:37
- Larry Massett

Anchor Dreams: The Passion of Scoop Nemeth
Brian 'Scoop' Nemeth has a singular goal: to become "the black Bill O'Reilly."
- 2015
- 59:06
- Noel Black
- Jake Brownell

After the Verdict
On June 16, 2017, one headline dominated news across the United States: a Minnesota jury had found officer Jeronimo Yanez not guilty in the shooting death of Philando Castile.
- 2017
- 27:18
- Tracy Mumford
- Riham Feshir

As Black As We Wish to Be
There's a tiny town in the Appalachian foothills of Ohio where, for a century, residents have shared the common bond of identifying as African-American despite the fact that most look white.
- 2013
- 50:29
- Lu Olkowski

Aimee Semple McPherson — An Oral Mystery
Before Billy Graham, Jim Bakker, or even Bob Jones took to the airwaves, the first media evangelist in this country was a woman -- Sister Aimee Semple McPherson.
- 1999
- 20:01
- Art Silverman
- Deborah George

A Long Distance Solution
The story of how a reclusive biologist living in the Yukon Territory helped free four women wrongfully imprisoned in San Antonio, Texas.
- 2015
- 21:51
- Janna Graham

A Portrait of Horace Parlan
For years, Horace Parlan played jazz with some of the biggest names, including Charles Mingus and Archie Shepp. Now, at 84, his long piano fingers are stiff, and he lives in a nursing home outside of Copenhagen.
- 2015
- 26:29
- Rikke Houd

The Ashes of Oakridge
A wildfire swept through Oakridge Mobile Home Park in Sylmar, California in November 2008, destroying more homes, and displacing more families, than any California blaze in decades.
- 2009
- 42:17
- Frank Stoltze
- Queena Sook Kim

American Dad
Growing up poor in Mexico City, Pilar dreamed of reuniting with her father who had moved to America years before.
- 2012
- 11:29
- Stephanie Foo

The Auctioneer
More than 20 years ago, musicologist Ned Sublette attended the Missouri Auction School in Kansas City, and brought along his tape recorder.
- 2011
- 27:08
- Ned Sublette

The Artangel Podcast: Memory
Inspired by three art works from the London-based art organization Artangel, producer Francesca Panetta offers an immersive sonic exploration through the subject of memory: personal, geographical, musical, architectural...
- 2011
- 27:20
- Francesca Panetta
- Seb Emina

A Sense of Duty
This story is a tale of love, betrayal, and a secret.
- 2011
- 50:29
- Heather Stewart

ARTE Radio
It's French. It's all online. It's pretty much Radio 2.0...
- 2012
- 01:15
- Silvain Gire

Alone Like a Stone in the New World (aka All These Things)
Writer Margy Rochlin wonders why her family is selling her grandmother's house in Arizona.
- 1989
- 26:14
- Jay Allison
- Margy Rochlin

An Extraordinary Affair
The time: Ireland, mid 1700s. Young Eleanor Butler is from one of the most notable families in the country and lives in a grand castle.
- 2012
- 38:54
- Leeanne O'Donnell
- Liam O'Brien