Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #231 The Pocket Conference Show
This hour we're featuring an episode of our brand new podcast — the Third Coast Pocket Conference .
- 2016
- 57:00
- Cathy FitzGerald
- Dennis Funk

Best of the Best 2016 (Part 1)
This hour we're listening to some of the winners of our annual documentary competition.

Best of the Best 2016 (Part 2)
This hour we're listening to some of the winners of our annual documentary competition.

Re:sound #230 The Dying Words Show
This hour the life and AIDS reporting of New York Times reporter Jeffrey Schmalz.
- 2016
- 01:02:10
- Kerry Donahue
- Samuel Freedman
- Sara Burningham
- Eric Marcus
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #229 The Communication Barrier Show
This hour people trying their best — and sometimes failing miserably — to make a connection.

Re:sound #228 The Sonic Wanders Show
This hour we're going on three soundwalks that meander at the pace of real life.

Re:sound #227 The 2016 ShortDocs Show — Radio Cinema
This hour we're featuring some of our favourite entries to the 2016 ShortDocs Challenge!

Special Feature: Envision Yourself Being a Free Man
On this episode of Re:sound, we're featuring an audio postcard from the Restorative Radio Project plus an interview with the series' producer, Sylvia Ryerson.
- 2016
- 17:54
- Sylvia Ryerson

Re:sound #226 The Life Sentence Show
This hour, the story of how a one event affected a woman, her family and the criminal justice system.
- 2016
- 56:35
- Samantha Broun
- Jay Allison
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #220 The Forest and Flight Show
This hour gravity, antigravity, magical trees and flying carpets.
- 2016
- 56:30
- Cathy FitzGerald
- Matt Thompson
- Stephanie Rowden
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #225 The Whatever Suits You Show
This hour, the suits we wear and the impressions we make.
- 2016
- 58:30
- Luke Malone
- Delaney Hall
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #223 The Cold Show
This hour audio air conditioning — we’re turning down the thermostat and ushering in stories that give us the chills.

Re:sound #218 The Odd Couples Show (Live!)
This hour we're live at the Hideout in Chicago with stories of pairs who are complete opposites, but utterly entwined.
- 2016
- 59:15
- Maya Goldberg-Safir
- Dennis Funk
- Rayon Wright
- Gwen Macsai

Re:sound #219 The Fighting For The Promised Land Show
This hour the story of thousands of African American farmers who lost millions of acres of land at the hands of institutional racism.
- 2016
- 57:30
- Aengus Anderson
- James Ford Howell
- Tina Antolini
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #216 The 2015 Short Docs Show — Studs Rules
This hour we listen to some of our favourite entries to the 2015 Third Coast Short Docs Challenge: Studs Rules!

Re:sound #215 The Shouters and Lurkers Show
This hour stories of those who share and those who creep in the shadows.

Re:sound #221 The Writing Out of Trouble Show
This hour we're featuring two stories of love through loss... plus an interview with the producers who've written their way through these troubled moments.
- 2016
- 01:04:25
- Sophie Townsend
- Sara Curtis
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #222 The Uninvited Guests Show
This hour, uninvited guests like old lovers, irrational fears and the annoying habits that keep us up at night.

Re:sound #224 The Breathe In/Breathe Out Show
This hour, one man who needs to devour as much air as he can and another who's at his best while holding his breath.
- 2016
- 59:20
- Neil Sandell
- Hana Walker-Brown
- Inge Hoonte
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #217 The Call and Response Show
This hour stories of quiet calls that have produced the most unexpected responses.