Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Best of the Best 2014 (Part 1)
The 2014 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, featuring the winners of our annual competition.

Best of the Best 2014 (Part 2)
The 2014 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, featuring the winners of our annual competition.

Re:sound #184 The Failure of Flight Show
This hour: failure of flight. In one story a man mysteriously falls from the sky onto a sunny London street, and in another, a plane crashes into a mountain side, and an 11-year-old walks away.
- 2014
- 57:05
- Bob Carlson
- Kerstin Zilm
- Rob Walker
- Katie Mingle

Re:sound #185 The Chance Encounters Show
This hour: when two people meet, sometimes extraordinary things happen. And sometimes extraordinary things happen in order for two people to meet.
- 2014
- 59:12
- Peter Mulryan
- Liam O'Brien
- Lea Thau
- Katie Mingle

Re:sound #186 The 2013 Short Docs Show
This hour: We showcase some of our favorite stories from the 2013 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge: Appetite!

Re:sound #187 The Matt Power Show
This hour, we celebrate the work of a great journalist — Matt Power, who died March 10, 2014 while on assignment in Uganda.
- 2014
- 58:02
- Matthew Power
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #188 The Tight Spaces Show
This hour we look at the ups and downs of confinement.

Re:sound #189 The Hearing Show
This hour we listen in on hearing — a complex system of circuitry that is vulnerable to all sorts of interruptions, misfires and breakdowns.

Re:sound #190 The Inner Thoughts Show
This hour we step inside the mind and listen to our thoughts.

Re:sound #192 The Waiting Show
This hour, waiting. Waiting in line, waiting for an organ transplant and waiting for a bus that's never, ever going to come.
- 2014
- 57:30
- Sean Cole
- Lulu Miller
- Catie Talarski
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #193 The 'If You Build It' Show
This hour they built it and we see who came.

Re:sound #194 The Driving Show
This hour we buckle up and hit the road.

Re:sound #195 The Dinner Table Show
This hour: the dinner table and all that it inspires.

Re:sound #196 The Breaking the Silence Show
This week, Israeli soldiers speak out to advocate for Palestinian rights.
- 2014
- 01:00:04
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #197 The Randomness Show
This hour, two stories in which random events change lives forever, and a third pulled from a random cassette.
- 2014
- 57:35
- Lea Thau
- Pat Mesiti-Miller
- Dennis Funk
- David Weinberg

Re:sound #198 The Off Course Show
This hour stories of detours, bad directions and finding the right path... on the road and in life.
- 2014
- 57:12
- Lea Redfern
- Katie Mingle
- Annie Costakis
- Dennis Funk