Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #103: The Sean Hurley / Sherwin Sleeves Show
This hour: the work of producer Sean Hurley, a writer and musician who lives on top of a mountain in New Hampshire and has an alter-ego, Sherwin Sleeves, who's become central to Sean's radio storytelling.
- 2008
- 58:30
- Sean Hurley
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #85: The Dollar Storeys Show
This hour: the wild and wonderful results of the Third Coast Festival's 2007 Audio Challenge: Dollar Storeys.

Re:sound #87: The Magpie Show
This hour: redeeming the much-maligned bird.
- 2008
- 59:00
- Lea Redfern
- Guy Hand
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #89: The Kyla Brettle Show
This hour: two curious stories from one of the most talented and curious producers we know.
- 2008
- 59:25
- Kyla Brettle
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #94: The Migration Show
This hour: people move and places change.

Re:sound #95: The More Show
This hour: a janitor poet, a teenage psychic, and more.

Re:sound #79: The What Remains Show
This hour: a man transformed by illness, a house full of paintings left behind by an old friend, and a surprisingly complex story of old people in love.

Re:sound #80: The Art Show
This hour: a young patient escapes his hospital bed through flights of imagination, a musician documents a city under siege, and more.

Re:sound #81: The Outfront Show
This hour: we celebrate ten years of Outfront, a groundbreaking show on the Canadian Broadcasting Corportation that invited listeners to tell their own stories.

Re:sound #82: The Borders Show
This hour: an isolated village experiences rapid cultural change, a "border blaster" transmits totally unregulated radio programs from Mexico into the U.S., and a tiny frog causes trouble.

Re:sound #84: The Girls vs. Boys Show
This hour: girls, boys, and sleepover reconnaissance.

Re:sound #86: The Death Show
This hour: a visit to a pauper's graveyard, three very short (but very big) questions, and more.
- 2008
- 58:00
- Nora Harrington
- Katie Mingle
- Karen Michel
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #102: The Animals Show
This hour: foxes, rabbits, snakes, whales, birds, lambs, and dogs.

Re:sound #88: The Messages Show
This hour: phone solicitors, bottle evangelists, a mysterious cassette tape unearthed in the attic, and more.

Re:sound #90: The Repetition Show
This hour: earworms, mantras, and stories told again and again.

Re:sound #91: The War and Peace Show
This hour: a radio station dedicates five days of air-time to a live reading of Tolstoy's War and Peace.
- 2008
- 59:00
- Brian DeShazor
- Christopher Sprinkle
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #92: The Water Show
This hour: a disappearing lake, a luxury liner on the Adriatic Sea, and more.

Re:sound #93: The Singing Show
This hour: a Japanese blues singer, an aging opera fan, and homemade recordings of a rural children's choir.
- 2008
- 59:30
- Dean Olsher
- Rachel Hopkin
- Katie Mingle
- Carma Jolly
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #96: The Sandbox Show
This hour: we're diving into the archives and rewinding our way to the 1970s and 80s, sampling some of the fascinating, strange, and hilarious work that was produced when public radio was a medium without a real template.

Re:sound #97: The In-Between Show
This hour: people living in the in-betweens.

Re:sound #98: The Disappearing Show
This hour: one boy leaves home and never returns, another leaves and returns forever changed.
- 2008
- 59:30
- Myfanwy Davies
- Steve Wadhams
- Julie Kimberly
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #99: The Radio Ballads Show
This hour: the BBC's groundbreaking Radio Ballads, produced between 1958 and 1964, which wove sounds, voices, and music into dense sonic tapestries that explored everything from the lives of coal miners to the lives of teenagers, focusing mainly on communities that weren't often heard from on the radio.
- 2008
- 59:30
- Charles Parker
- Dan Collison
- Elizabeth Meister
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #101: The Rock Show
This hour: an all-woman Led Zeppelin cover band and metal-loving children.
- 2008
- 58:30
- Katie Burningham
- Alan Hall
- John Moe

Re:sound #83: The Going Up Show
This hour: mountain climbers, pilots, and people on the way UP.
- 2008
- 58:30
- Roz Bluett
- Arielle Lasky
- Sarah Boothroyd
- Roman Mars