Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.
Re:sound #78: The Just Good Radio Show
This hour: a chronicle of European history through the sound of bells and a bizarre spectacle of endurance.
- 2007
- 58:30
- Steve Wadhams
- Peter Leonhard Braun
- Conor Lennon
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #76: The Being Deaf Show
This hour: sign language, lip-reading, and deaf culture.
- 2007
- 59:30
- Kirsti Melville
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #74: The Hospice Show
This hour: a surprising look at the relationship between a hospice worker and his patient.
Re:sound #72: The Retirement Show
This hour: the golden years.
- 2007
- 58:32
- Joe Richman
- David Greenberger
- Dan Collison
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #68: The Big Show Show
This hour: the Rockettes, the opera, congress, and other spectacles.
Re:sound #67: The One-Room Schoolhouse Show
This hour: one room school houses from Maui to Maine, each with a unique culture and character.
- 2007
- 59:00
- Neenah Ellis
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #65: The Podcast Show
This hour: the intriguing world of experimental podcasts.
Re:sound #64: The Epistolary Show
This hour: letters on the radio.
Re:sound #63: The Conference Show
This hour: excerpts from some of our favorite Third Coast Conference sessions from years past.
- 2007
- 59:00
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #62: The Long Haul Show
This hour: the work of Dan Collison and Elizabeth Meister of Long Haul Productions. Dan and Elizabeth specialize in stories that follow people over days, weeks, and even years.
- 2007
- 58:58
- Dan Collison
- Elizabeth Meister
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #61: The I Hate This Show
This hour: a man grapples with the stillbirth of his son with surprising grace and clear-eyed honesty.
- 2007
- 59:00
- David Hansen
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #60: The End as Beginning Show
This hour: Rebecca Sheir's The End as Beginning: An Audio Exploration of the Jewish View of Death, a trilogy that blends interviews, personal reflections, and music, and focuses on death and the Jewish tradition.
- 2007
- 58:01
- Rebecca Sheir
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #77: The Edna Lavilla Show
This hour: a closely guarded family secret and the hidden history of long-deceased grandmother.
- 2007
- 59:01
- Sharon Davis
- Eurydice Aroney
- Russell Stapleton
- Roman Mars
Re:sound #71: The Lefty Show
This hour: left-handed creativity and innovation.
Re:sound #69: The Body Image Show
This hour: a very personal take on a rare subculture, a young man forced to confront his obesity, a dinner with unabashed nudists, and more.
Re:sound #66: The Falling Show
This hour: a man falls out of the sky, a woman falls into a hole, and a man recovers from a serious rock climbing accident.
- 2007
- 59:00
- Annie Hastwell
- Michele Goldsworthy
- Kent Hoffman
- Roman Mars