Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #59: The Music and Memory Show
This hour: music, memory, lost love, and John Denver.

Re:sound #52: The Books Show
This hour: readers, writers, literary performance artists, and the grammar police.

Re:sound #51: The Show 14 Redux Show
This hour: a visit to one of the most remote islands on earth, a woman who sings with crickets, a return to Zagreb, and more.

Re:sound #48: The Flux Show
This hour: two stories from RTE's Flux with Ronan Kelly.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Ronan Kelly
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #47: The Pets Show
This hour: a beloved pig and a meditation on dogs.
- 2006
- 59:00
- Bob Garfield
- Lea Redfern
- Russell Stapleton
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #45: The Nosce te Ipsum Show
This hour: a child beauty queen, a young transgendered man, and an obsessive teen.

Re:sound #44: The Coping Show
This hour: a pizza chef travels to North Korea to cook for Kim Jong Il, a young man contemplates his release from "juvie," and more.
- 2006
- 59:00
- Cath Dwyer
- Mark Don
- Hugh Levinson
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #43: The Music Show
This hour: time-lapse phonography, a much-sampled beat, and the only instrument you can play without actually touching.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Trent Wolbe
- Michele Ernsting
- Nate Harrison
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #42: The Fake Doc Show
This hour: stories that bend, stretch, and downright fabricate the truth.

Re:sound #40: The Wanderlust Show
This hour: voyaging, wandering, and becoming a fanatic pedestrian.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Jenny Asarnow
- Bronwyn Ximm
- Aaron Ximm
- Abner Serd
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #39: The Radio Show
This hour: the strange, storied, hodgepodge history of radio.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Joe Richman
- Chris Brookes
- Geoff Siskind
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #38: The Games Show
This hour: tongue twisters, brain teasers, cheaters, and one of the worst high school football teams of all time.

Re:sound #37: The Studs Show
This hour: the indomitable Studs Terkel.
- 2006
- 59:31
- Alan Hall
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #36: The X Meets Y Show
This hour: a seemingly mismatched but (mostly) happy couple, a wife who exacts revenge on her husband via beef broth, and more.

Re:sound #54: The Emergency Show
This hour: a town grapples with a young person's violent death, and a sound portrait of a chaotic emergency call center.
- 2006
- 59:00
- Claudia Taranto
- Kyla Brettle
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #50: The Feedback Show
This hour: a documentary composition by Alessandro Bosetti.
- 2006
- 58:57
- Aaron Henkin
- Alessandro Bosetti
- Roman Mars