Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #272 Radio Residents
This week, three stories by alumni of the Third Coast Radio Residency.

Re:sound #111: The Radio Ephemera Show
This hour: the weird, wonderful results of the Radio Ephemera ShortDoc Challenge.

Re:sound #27: The Remix Show
This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.

Re:sound #233 The Rabbit Hole Show
This hour, rabbit holes — stories that start exploring one small thing and unexpectedly end up telling a much richer story.

Re:sound #203 The Rivers Show
This hour we meander our way down three rivers in search of solace, spiritual healing and, of course, total domination.
- 2015
- 01:02:10
- Dan Weissmann
- Roman Mars
- Sam Greenspan
- Alex Chadwick
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #138 The Running Show
This hour: Running on two legs, running on four, but most importantly, running with all your might.

Re:sound: #207 The Oops!... Who Dunnit Again Show
This hour two mysteries: one involving an obscure novel and Britney Spears, and the other a real life murder most fowl.
- 2015
- 01:00:07
- Phoebe Judge
- Lauren Spohrer
- Starlee Kine
- Alex Blumberg
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #90: The Repetition Show
This hour: earworms, mantras, and stories told again and again.

Re:sound #156 The Russia Show
This hour: The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

Re:sound #72: The Retirement Show
This hour: the golden years.
- 2007
- 58:32
- Joe Richman
- David Greenberger
- Dan Collison
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #39: The Radio Show
This hour: the strange, storied, hodgepodge history of radio.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Joe Richman
- Chris Brookes
- Geoff Siskind
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #99: The Radio Ballads Show
This hour: the BBC's groundbreaking Radio Ballads, produced between 1958 and 1964, which wove sounds, voices, and music into dense sonic tapestries that explored everything from the lives of coal miners to the lives of teenagers, focusing mainly on communities that weren't often heard from on the radio.
- 2008
- 59:30
- Charles Parker
- Dan Collison
- Elizabeth Meister
- Delaney Hall

Re:sound #197 The Randomness Show
This hour, two stories in which random events change lives forever, and a third pulled from a random cassette.
- 2014
- 57:35
- Lea Thau
- Pat Mesiti-Miller
- Dennis Funk
- David Weinberg

Re:sound #101: The Rock Show
This hour: an all-woman Led Zeppelin cover band and metal-loving children.
- 2008
- 58:30
- Katie Burningham
- Alan Hall
- John Moe

Re:sound #21: The Raymond Carver Show
This hour: the difficult, brief, and brilliant life of writer Raymond Carver.
- 2005
- 59:30
- Alfred Koch
- Lea Redfern
- Roman Mars