Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Re:sound #264 Gaggle Glass
Today we go from the pentagon to prison to philosophical musings about the sweet sound of the snow shovel.

Re:sound #38: The Games Show
This hour: tongue twisters, brain teasers, cheaters, and one of the worst high school football teams of all time.

Re:sound #23: The God Show
This hour: gods, idols, worshipers, and skeptics.

Re:sound #84: The Girls vs. Boys Show
This hour: girls, boys, and sleepover reconnaissance.

Re:sound #83: The Going Up Show
This hour: mountain climbers, pilots, and people on the way UP.
- 2008
- 58:30
- Roz Bluett
- Arielle Lasky
- Sarah Boothroyd
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #16: The Game Show
This hour: games!
- 2005
- 59:00
- Chris Brookes
- Jason Rayles
- Ben Rubin
- Roman Mars