Third Coast’s radio show, hosted by Gwen Macsai, was a weekly radio show that remixed audio gems from around the world, and peeked behind the curtain at the producers who made them. It aired weekly on WBEZ in Chicago from 2004 until 2019. Browse through all episodes here, or listen to them on the Re:sound podcast feed.
Plus, check out the annual Best of the Best series, a Re:sound special. This special series showcases the best audio stories of the year, as crowned by our annual Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition. It airs on public radio stations around the United States annually.

Best of the Best 2012 (Part 1)
Re:sound's Gwen Macsai hosts Best of the Best: The 2012 Third Coast Festival Broadcast, showcasing the best radio stories of the year - winners of the 2012 TC / Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

Re:sound #148 The Buying and Selling Show
This hour: selling, swapping, buying and trading.

Re:sound #82: The Borders Show
This hour: an isolated village experiences rapid cultural change, a "border blaster" transmits totally unregulated radio programs from Mexico into the U.S., and a tiny frog causes trouble.

Re:sound #224 The Breathe In/Breathe Out Show
This hour, one man who needs to devour as much air as he can and another who's at his best while holding his breath.
- 2016
- 59:20
- Neil Sandell
- Hana Walker-Brown
- Inge Hoonte
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #76: The Being Deaf Show
This hour: sign language, lip-reading, and deaf culture.
- 2007
- 59:30
- Kirsti Melville
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #33: The Bollywood Show
This hour: a tall, white New Zealander heads to Mumbai to try and land a role in one of the hundreds of Bollywood films the industry churns out each year.
- 2005
- 58:30
- Simon Morton
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #232 The Baffled Show
This hour the unexpected and inexplicable.
- 2017
- 59:40
- Jonathan Goldstein
- Sally Herships
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #8: The Books on the Radio Show
This hour: a few stories by author Rick Moody rendered in sound, plus a woman visits her friends' houses and talks with them about their books.
- 2004
- 01:00:09
- Rick Moody
- Julie Shapiro

Re:sound #196 The Breaking the Silence Show
This week, Israeli soldiers speak out to advocate for Palestinian rights.
- 2014
- 01:00:04
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #142 The Book Odds Show
This hour: We showcase some of our favorite stories from the 2010 Third Coast ShortDocs Challenge: Book Odds, and talk to the organizer of the project, Third Coast Artistic Director Julie Shapiro about the rules, the incentives, and our collaboration with widely-acclaimed musical duo, The Books.
- 2011
- 59:31
- Multiple producers