Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

All You Need is a Wall - 1
Grace De Pass is fascinated with life at the laundromat. Her first trip to one, back in 1964, was particularly memorable.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Jill Strauss

Chain of Missing Links - 25
The chains that code for our genes only make up 2% of our DNA, which means the purpose of the rest of the stuff is a bit of a mystery....
- 2010
- 02:59
- Henry Hocking
- Marnie Chesterton

All You Need is a Wall (Memo)
Nothing makes sense when these things happen.
- 2010
- 02:56
- Alix Blair

I Didn't Know That - 11
An innocent (?) bystander observes a traffic accident and is surprised by his reaction.
- 2010
- 02:57
- Tony Green

Chain of Missing Links - 27
A mother and daughter assess the plight of a neighbor.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Cheryl McPhilimy
- Tony Green

All You Need is a Wall - 13
A meditation on big changes, building walls, and breaking them down again.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Mia Lobel

I Didn't Know That (A Short People's History of the United States)
A young rendering of an old story. All contributors between the ages of five and eight.
- 2010
- 03:05
- Stephanie Coleman

I Didn't Know That - 10
On a rare sunny day in Seattle, we walk around the neighborhood and learn from strangers what we don't know.
- 2010
- 02:16
- Emily Eagle
- Jenny Asarnow

All You Need is a Wall - 12
A journey of discovery, passion, nature, and conscience.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Ben Pagac

I Didn't Know That - 9
A man drives through rural Illinois to find an answer to future questions.
- 2010
- 03:02
- Joe Bruce
- Veronica Soria

All You Need is a Wall (of Noise)
A personal account of Hendrick's adjustment to a hearing impairment, causing him to navigate a world of unwanted sound, is arranged with interviews of two friends recounting a noisy concert experience to help create a perception of what it's like to live behind a wall of noise.
- 2010
- 03:01
- Chris Trimmer

A Cold Freezin Night - 11
Jay came with me to a whiskey convention thinking that he was going to have a blast...but someone from his past throws his night into a painful meditation on love and whiskey.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Stephanie Foo

I Didn't Know That (I Was an Albino)
Thomas Bryant Jr. grew up as an African-American with albinism in Washington D.C. during the civil rights movement--a very complicated time to be in between.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Stephanie Foo

All You Need is a Wall (The Infamous Elevator Story)
The close quarters of an elevator make for a particularly suffocating ride after someone, um, passes gas. If only there was a gas mask on board, or a protective wall to block or at least deflect the pungent odor.
- 2010
- 02:52
- Adam Kampe

All You Need is a Wall (I Too, Sing America)
A high school teacher imagines what might happen when poet Langston Hughes, in his poem "I, Too, Sing America," has a chance to leave the kitchen he's confined to and actually sit at the table when company comes.
- 2010
- 02:59
- Adam Kampe

Chain of Missing Links - 26
This audio story is about seeking happiness away from home.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Kajsa Kvaale

All You Need is a Wall - 11
Divorce brings about unimagined ramifications.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Katie Ball

Chain of Missing Links (Objects and Their Owners)
This piece is an audio documentary centering on the stories of how people become connected to objects and about how we let these objects go at a garage sale.
- 2010
- 03:00
- David Keto

Chain of Missing Links (with the Fourth of July)
Recordings of celebration in a distant land.
- 2010
- 02:31
- Zachary Baiel

Chain of Missing Links (for a nervous kitty)
Jenn Hartmann was moving from New York to Los Angeles, but she had to find a way to bring her nervous kitty. Unfortunately, she decided to fly.
- 2010
- 03:01
- Tom Horan

All You Need is a Wall - 6
How to listen to a dance... with a wall.
- 2010
- 03:03
- Jane Cramer

A Cold Freezin night - 10
This song is a story about the magestical feelings and memories related to going fishing as a child.
- 2010
- 02:58
- Devin Hildebrand
- Ross Farbe

All You Need is a Wall - 7
The problems regarding journeying through a metaphorical landscape.
- 2010
- 03:00
- Shaun D. Wilson
- Sonia Yee

Chain of Missing Links - 23
Can you believe there were this many things on top of the ground? Some of them have been worked and are beautiful.
- 2010
- 02:00
- Katherine Wells

All You Need is a Wall - 8
Mike shares the story of his start in the black market after he began dating a hippie woman named Samantha.
- 2010
- 02:59
- Zachary Baiel