Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

Red Beeps
A recollection of my aunt's past and current home.
- 2012
- 02:24
- Aaron Arreguin

Romantic Red Love, But Not in Sweden
With the couple next door constantly fighting and my friends failed marriages in good memory I started to wonder why Sweden seems to fail in loving until death do us part.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Leni Günther

Recollections Dream in Blue
This audio captures the essence of Matthew Wilmott's internal neighbours - silence and recollections/dreams (per say those that that drift dark and heavy in the mind just before sunrise).
- 2012
- 02:39
- Matthew Wilmott

Rudy's Gray Area
Rudy has lived on this bizarre little block since 1953, before a dozen railroad tracks and nearly as many highway lanes separated it from other residential neighborhoods.
- 2012
- 02:55
- Jennifer Brandel

Red, White, and Black With Little Bit of Gold
The nature of the current relationships between neighbors in Egypt and how it changed from how it used to be in the past.
- 2012
- 02:21
- Gehad Mahmoud

Random Ghost Behavior: The Center is Always White
Do spirits exist?
- 2012
- 02:59
- Jacob Gigler-Caro

Ray, White, and Blue
Over ten years ago, two strangers were drawn together by a neighborhood handball court in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.
- 2012
- 03:02
- Marisa Wong

Rear Window, Black & White, 1954
Hitchcock's Rear Window revisited through my own rear window.
- 2012
- 02:52
- Caterina Clerici

Revived Ivory: A Musical Instrument Lending Library
Sometimes, the greatest musical treasures are in our own backyard.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Chris Trimmer

The Red Cardigan
The legendary Mr. Rogers was everybody's favorite neighbor... except for maybe my friend Sarah.
- 2012
- 02:59
- Milos Balac

Red Van Refuge
Teri La Roca looks out for the peeps in our hood, especially our neighbors that some disregard and would rather forget.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Tennessee Watson