Discover hundreds of short audio gems produced in response to a prompt from Third Coast for the ShortDocs Competition, hosted between 2003 and 2016. Each year ushered in a new set of rules, new creative partners, and ever-more magical results.

Pink George
McCarthyism and me.
- 2008
- 02:59
- Kay Collins

A weekend away begets new interactions, with a little help from Andrew Jackson.
- 2008
- 03:01
- Cambra Moniz-Edwards

Presenting the 2007 TCF ShortDocs: Dollar Storeys
For the 2007 ShortDocs Challenge, the Third Coast was inspired by and collaborated with the Dollar Store Show - a regular reading and performance series in Chicago.
- 2007
- 57:27

Presenting the 2006 TCF ShortDocs: 99 Ways to Tell a Radio Story
For the 2006 ShortDocs Challenge, the Third Coast was inspired by and collaborated with cartoonist and illustrator Matt Madden.

Presenting the 2005 TCF ShortDocs -- Stories About Games
For the 2005 ShortDocs Challenge, we asked producers to submit ideas for stories about "games."
- 2005
- 01:28:08

Presenting the 2008 TCF ShortDocs: Radio Ephemera
For the 2008 TCF ShortDocs Challenge, the TCF joined forces with the Prelinger Library, a one-of-a-kind collection of books, periodicals, and more, running the gamut from the concrete and tangible to the abstract and etherized.
- 2008
- 01:22:48

Passing on Sweet
How do recipes get passed on?
- 2013
- 02:12
- Belle Wemmer
- Todd Wemmer

The Persistence of Ephemera
A slighty wacky look at my own ephemera collection.
- 2008
- 02:52
- Ceil Muller

A Hoosier attends a show at the lofty, hipster-run Shape Shoppe recording studio, in Chicago.
- 2009
- 03:02
- Zachary Baiel

Party of Special Things to Do
A bland, unremarkable, "yes" man goes along with everything and doesn't question social customs.
- 2016
- 03:00
- Aaron Leeder
- Matt Black

Paper Plane
Abstract psychodrama collage: Noir cadence through psychological meandering.
- 2016
- 02:06
- Laura Reid & Mark Limacher

Perfect Founders
The duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton rearranged for laughs and life lessons.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Paula Rogers

Personal Message: No Commercial Value
Sinister entertainment with a tape recorder: a found message left for a girlfriend degenerates into drunken squabbling over a reading of a Burn's poem.
- 2006
- 02:31
- Mark Vernon

Daoud Iskander hunts porcupines in southern Lebanon.
- 2016
- 02:20
- Hugo Goodridge

The Problem With Salty Water
An automated teller machine discusses awkward moments, consumer culture and why she needs it to survive.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Aoife Allen

Prunes, Eggs, and Sweet Marshmallows: Eating with My Grandmas
Instructions on how to recreate my grandmothers' favorite meals.
- 2013
- 03:00
- Jennie Lennick

The Priscilla Tapes: An Introduction (INC)
A story of a collection of taped letters.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Zoe Irvine

Pursuing Sweet Success: Running the Krispy Kreme Challenge
Julie and Stacy run the Krispy Kreme Challenge: 5 miles, 12 donuts, 2,400 calories, one hour.
- 2013
- 02:57
- Julie Thomson

The Purple-Spotted Sock
A story about a neighbour, which turns out also to be a story about another neighbour – and when all comes to all: about the narrator herself.
- 2012
- 02:59
- Sigrid Saabye

Pink Pong
Louise tries to teach me singing, and Philip speaks about silence and writing.
- 2012
- 02:49
- Daniel Martin-Borret

Pretty in Pink
The girls upstairs are loud and fun, and one of them is Miss Wicker Park.
- 2012
- 02:52
- Jessica Speer

Plant Hunters
A thorny challenge to find a rare plant.
- 2016
- 03:00
- David Boose

Purple Purpose
FNSS (Friendly Neighborhood Surveillance System) delivers a report to Charles on Mrs. Smotherson, Mr. Eggerly, and Bruce & Denny.
- 2012
- 02:21
- Zachary Baiel

Past the Brown Rice on Aisle 6
While at my nearby Key Foods gathering ambient sound, I happened upon this neighbor family drama set to the grocery store's soundtrack.
- 2012
- 02:00
- Audrey Quinn

Paint The Amish Horse Black and White
Much more than black or white, the story of a painted horse told around an Amish table.
- 2012
- 03:00
- Emily Newton