Maker Sessions
Dive into scores of talks, workshops, and audio manifestos offering wisdom on everything from production skills to journalistic ethics from the best audio producers and makers on the planet.

Talking Story
The Kitchen Sisters skillfully lead this panel about creative and unusual approaches and techniques for producing compelling radio stories, including what can be learned from other media, like television and film.
- 2001
- 01:00:09

Digging In: Investigative Documentary Radio
Radio is an excellent medium for investigative reporting, so why do we hear so little of it on the air?
- 2001
- 01:06:16

Points on a Curve: Radio in Its Own Time and Place
Alan Hall focuses on radio's capacity to evoke a sense of place that exists uniquely in a non-visual, linear dimension.
- 2001
- 01:07:14

Ear to Ear
David Isay and Dan Collison play excerpts of their radio documentary work and discuss specific challenges, triumphs, and surprises encountered while producing various stories.
- 2001
- 59:50

Taking Risks in Radio
Producing "outside the box" is a challenge to the formulaic landscape of public radio, whether you're producing a sound art parody or poetic essay or a show bent on surprising its listeners.
- 2001
- 01:27:40

D.I.Y. Radio
Do it yourself! This session is geared toward non-professionals and young people who want to learn more about telling stories for radio.
- 2001
- 01:03:27

New Voices in Radio
Who's talking to the next generation of public radio listeners? This session, moderated by Ellin O'Leary, turns the mic over to some of the young producers who are busy expanding the audio documentary form by bringing energy and fresh ideas to the world of radio.
- 2001
- 01:20:16

Keyboard Audio
This panel, moderated by Melissa Giraud, brings together two producers (Jay Allison and Elizabeth Meister) who were among the first in public radio and audio production to bring their innovation to the Internet, for a conversation about translating radio stories onto the Web and creating new art forms altogether.
- 2001
- 01:11:00

Making Waves: The Impact of Radio
In times of crisis the impact of radio coverage on peoples' lives is easy to assess. But day in and day out, how does radio touch the communities or subjects it portrays, and the audience it reaches?
- 2001
- 01:09:04