Immerse your ears in the best audio documentaries and storytelling since 2001, the winners of the Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Foundation Competition.

A Sense of Quietness
Four women face the unexpected consequences of talking about abortion.
- 2018
- 0
- Eleanor McDowall

A Fantasy, A Lie
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Non-English Language Award, selected by Final Round Judges Wederik de Backer, Julia Furlan, and Juan Serrano.
- 2023
- 0
- Pauline Augustyn
- Katharina Smets

Atsimenu jo žvilgsnį. Istorija apie karį ir migrantą (I Remember His Look. The Story of a Soldier and a Migrant)
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Gold Award, selected by Final Round Judges Jimmy Gutierrez, Rachel Matlow, Melissa Mbugua, Priska Neely, and Mike Williams.
- 2023
- 42:27
- Sigita Vegytė
- Vaida Pilibaitytė
- Adomas Zubė

The Accidental Gay Parents, Episode 5
After adopting their niece and nephew, Trystan -- a transgender man -- tells his partner Biff that he wants to expand their family and conceive a baby together. Which they do.
- 2017
- 42:23
- Hillary Frank
- Abigail Keel
- Kristen Clark

A Life Sentence: Victims, Offenders, Justice, and My Mother
The story of a terrible crime and everything that followed.
- 2016
- 54:55
- Samantha Broun
- Jay Allison

And I Walked...Stories From the Border
Much of the Sonoran desert between Tucson and Mexico is a haunting wasteland of discarded shoes, shirts, and empty plastic water jugs, discarded by desparate illegal immigrants who risk their lives as they cross the desert from Mexico into the United States in search of better-paying jobs.
- 2003
- 06:05
- Ann Heppermann
- Kara Oehler

A Sentencing Hearing
On August 1, 2015 Glendale Police Officer Eric Guse received a call about a carjacking that would change his life.
- 2016
- 10:18
- Emily Forman
- Celeste Wesson

A Lucky Wind
Do we live in a world where there is magic and meaning, or is it all just chance?
- 2009
- 19:28
- Jad Abumrad
- Soren Wheeler

American Dreamer: Sam's Story
American schools teach students that with hard work, they can realize their dreams. But this isn't the case for everyone.
- 2010
- 44:04
- Dan Collison
- Elizabeth Meister

The Ambassador of Go
Most Americans have never heard of Go, an ancient board game that has simpler rules than chess but such complex strategy that computers can't even beat a talented amateur.
- 2005
- 05:46
- Blake Eskin

Arthur's Story
After twelve years of rough living in Vancouver, Arthur is moving into an apartment in a new supportive housing project. But moving inside from a life outside isn't as easy as you might think.
- 2014
- 46:07
- Steve Wadhams
- Suzanne Ahearne

Au Debut
2006 ShortDocs Winner! Translation -- Sylvain, Bruno, Zoe, and Youssef at the PRIM Centre in Montreal, summer 2006.
- 2006
- 02:30
- Zoe Irvine

Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl
The Supreme Court case Adoptive Couple v. Baby Girl seemed like a straightforward custody dispute: a birth father and a couple at odds over who would raise baby Veronica.
- 2013
- 35:39
- Tim Howard

Annapurna: Memories in Sound
Annapurna: Memories in Sound is an impressionistic sound portrait of the Ximms' trek through the Annapurna Circuit, a popular three-week hiking trip through the Himalayas to Nepal.
- 2002
- 38:00
- Aaron Ximm
- Bronwyn Ximm

All My Stuff in Bags
When Daniel Sosa turned 18, his father kicked him out of the house for being gay. Daniel describes the night he was forced to leave, the struggles he faces as a high school student living on his own, and his desire to return home again.
- 2004
- 09:52
- Amy Drozdowska
- Hillary Frank

A Fragile Son
Surjit Sachdev grew up in a conservative family in India. Surjit's father was an engineer, and he's an engineer, but the family tradition ended when Surjit's son was born with a severe mental disability.
- 2007
- 14:01
- Carma Jolly
- Surjit Sachdev

All You Need is a (Separation Barrier)
2010 ShortDocs Winner! From Baghdad to Western Sahara, an alphabetic listing of the world's prominent separation barriers builds a wall of its own.
- 2010
- 03:01
- Niall Farrell

A Cold Freezin Night (for Doomed Lovers)
2010 ShortDocs Winner! I said this is NUTS, and he agreed.
- 2010
- 02:59
- Andrea Silenzi

All You Need is a Wall - 16
2010 ShortDocs Winner! In 2004, a group of Pride Day revellers gathered for a party on Creighton Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia and were treated to a riveting display of hermaphroditic slug sex.
- 2010
- 02:59
- Frances Willick

An Interior Life
A meditation on love, loss and loneliness in south London, An Interior Life tells the story of Bernard, an 86-year-old gay man who has been alone since the death of his long term partner.
- 2010
- 07:31
- Laurence Grissell

Affairs of the Mind
Affairs of the Mind is a personal and confrontational story exploring the nature of jealousy and the parameters of infidelity.
- 2002
- 48:08
- Kyla Brettle

A Map of the Sea
For centuries, Newfoundland fisheries were hailed as the greatest in the world. Then, in 1992, their main export, the codfish, disappeared.
- 2005
- 14:58
- Chris Brookes

American Icons: The Great Gatsby
F. Scott Fitzgerald's tale of old money, new money, drinking, and adultery - a thin little book that critics panned - is still the best novel about the American Dream and its discontents.
- 2007
- 51:58
- Emily Botein