Third Coast Audio Library
Our vast and ever-growing collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories, episodes from Third Coast podcasts, educational sessions on craft from the best makers on the planet, and more.
We’ve also featured some incredible audio work beyond this audio library, in other ways and using other formats: don’t miss the 2021 Web Showcase, featuring a more in-depth look at the winners, judges and even a list of 40 finalists from the 2021 Third Coast/RHDF Competition.

The Big Night
Producer Jonathan Goldstein made every girl he ever dated watch the home movie of his family's Rosh Hashanah dinner he made when he was 17.
- 2002
- 13:57
- Jonathan Goldstein

Brain Mash
How to create a human brain -- from a bowl of mashed potatoes.
- 2002
- 03:38
- Gregory Whitehead

Yes, There Is a Baby
In the 1940s, when he was 16 years old, Myron Jones was allowed to stay up late any night of the week and hang out at bars or wherever he pleased, but his mother barely let his older sister Carol out of the house at all. So the siblings devised a plan.
- 2002
- 24:47
- Alex Blumberg
- Ira Glass
- Jonathan Goldstein

A young patient reinvents his experience of being in the hospital through metaphor and allusion. Responding to "what if" questions, Andrew exemplifies the transformative qualities of fantasy, empathy, and humor.
- 2002
- 07:39
- John Jacobs
- Sherre DeLys

My So-Called Lungs
Laura Rothenberg is 21 years old, but likes to say that she's already had her mid-life crisis. Laura has cystic fibrosis, a genetic disorder that affects the lungs and other organs.
- 2002
- 34:31
- Joe Richman
- Laura Rothenberg

Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost is the story of one man and a bird -- or possibly just of one man. It is also the story of an obsession.
- 2002
- 30:12
- Allan Coukell

Remembering Kent State, 1970
When Ohio National Guard troops opened fire on students during a war demonstration on the Kent State University Campus in May, 1970, four young lives were ended and a nation was stunned.
- 2002
- 0
- Mark Urycki

Annapurna: Memories in Sound
Annapurna: Memories in Sound is an impressionistic sound portrait of the Ximms' trek through the Annapurna Circuit, a popular three-week hiking trip through the Himalayas to Nepal.
- 2002
- 38:00
- Aaron Ximm
- Bronwyn Ximm

Affairs of the Mind
Affairs of the Mind is a personal and confrontational story exploring the nature of jealousy and the parameters of infidelity.
- 2002
- 48:08
- Kyla Brettle

Corrections, Inc.
The corrections industry has become a $50-billion-a-year business and one of the strongest influences on criminal justice policy in America.
- 2002
- 49:55
- John Biewen

Marinade a la Tete
A cerebral yet refreshing exploration into the question "where do creative ideas come from?"
- 2002
- 04:02
- Gregory Whitehead

The three legs of the tripod of radio —- voice, text, and sound -— are interdependent, and all contribute to the "voice" of any radio piece. Independent producer Karen Michel presents work that demonstrates different styles of voice and discusses what makes each one unique.
- 2002
- 01:21:07

Ice Music
What if sounds could be frozen into ice cubes, then released upon their melting? Everyday movements and actions might become rich musical performances...
- 2002
- 02:28
- Gregory Whitehead

Mind, Body, Soul
An interview with a performance artist, whose "art" consists of consuming entire copies of the Oxford English Dictionary, Gray's Anatomy, and the King James Bible.
- 2002
- 14:02
- Gregory Whitehead

How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall?
For one month during the summer of 1996, producer Brenda Hutchinson drove her piano from New York City to San Francisco in the back of a U-Haul truck.
- 2002
- 25:58
- Brenda Hutchinson

Our Day Will Come
Our Day Will Come explores the impact of R&B on America's civil rights movement, as well as the influence of the movement on popular music.
- 2002
- 59:07
- Lex Gillespie

The 2002 TCF Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient: Studs Terkel (INC)
The Third Coast Festival Lifetime Achievement Award (now the Audio Luminary Award) is presented annually to an individual who is greatly admired for his or her significant and ongoing contributions to the field of radio. Hats off to the 2002 recipient, Studs Terkel.
- 2002
- 11:43
- Studs Terkel

There Is in the Soul a Desire for Not Thinking: The Double Life of Raymond Carver (INC)
Austrian radio documentarian Alfred Koch produced this story about seminal American author Raymond Carver.
- 2002
- 0
- Alfred Koch

Ali Farka Toure: Country Gentleman (INC)
Mali's acclaimed guitarist Ali Farka Toure announced during his summer 2000 tour of America that he was retiring back to a farm in Niafunke, his home village in the Saharan desert. This is the portrait of a successful musician embracing a new direction in his life.
- 2002
- 0
- Marco Werman

Enjoy Your Worries, You May Never Have Them Again (INC)
Paul de Jong and Nick Zammuto, otherwise known as the Books, incorporate an array of sound fragments and miniature stories into their music. The results are part songs, part "documentary vignettes" -- an original approach to making both documentary audio and music.
- 2002
- 0
- The Books

What does it take to get your work on the national airwaves? Representatives from NPR, PRI, and the Public Radio Exchange, with the assistance of moderator Julia McEvoy, explain how to get work on national programs and how to distribute stand-alone specials and series.
- 2002
- 01:06:51

A Voice of Warning
A heroin overdose left Jade Bell blind, mute and unable to care for himself. Now Bell tours high schools in British Columbia, where his computerized "voice" speaks a loud warning to thousands of students.
- 2002
- 14:31
- Anne Penman
- Trisha Wilson

Peggy Lee Appreciation
A huge Peggy Lee fan, producer Karen Michel has produced five features about this singer, songwriter, and arranger.
- 2002
- 08:16
- Karen Michel

Postcards From a Fanatic Reactionary Pedestrian
What is a fanatic reactionary pedestrian? How does one get to be this way?
- 2002
- 17:53
- Abner Serd

Fez, Morocco: A Journey in Sound
When you stroll through the maze of streets in Fez, Morocco, it's as if you are walking back in time.
- 2002
- 12:43
- Jim Metzner