Third Coast Audio Library
Our vast and ever-growing collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories, episodes from Third Coast podcasts, educational sessions on craft from the best makers on the planet, and more.
We’ve also featured some incredible audio work beyond this audio library, in other ways and using other formats: don’t miss the 2021 Web Showcase, featuring a more in-depth look at the winners, judges and even a list of 40 finalists from the 2021 Third Coast/RHDF Competition.

Minister Excerpt
Joe Frank, master of late night radio, assembled this piece: a phone conversation between himself and a cranky minister.
- 2000
- 05:15
- Joe Frank

Suicide Bridge
Lines form around the block for the world's most popular suicide spot.
- 2000
- 01:55
- Joe Frank

Sweepstakes Winner
Joe Frank, the original radio maverick, is known for leaving listeners more than a bit uncomfortable.
- 2000
- 04:36
- Joe Frank

Karla Saavedra, 17, moved to Brooklyn's Bushwick neighborhood from Mexico two years ago.
- 2000
- 07:55
- WNYC's Radio Rookies

Big in Japan
Desperate to learn the language, Japanese schools, businesses, and government agencies offer small fortunes to just about anyone who can help teach English.
- 2000
- 29:03
- Robin Hilton

Healing the Wound of Wounded Knee
Leonard Little Finger is the great-great grandson of Chief Big Foot, whose band of Lakota Sioux Indians were killed at Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1890.
- 2000
- 16:41
- Hal Cannon
- Taki Telonidis

Prom Queens (INC)
Tom Truss, working as a producer and reporter for Outright Radio, chaperones a gay high school prom in Silicon Valley, CA. Listen as protesters line up to shame the prom-goers as they enter under the protective eye of straight clergy and parents.
- 2000
- 0
- Tom Truss

In the Navy (INC)
Meet Zoe Dunning, an open lesbian, and hear about her struggle with the U.S. navy to stay in military ranks. Also meet Skippy the Sailor, who used his sewing machine to win the hearts of his fellow sailors. Producer David Gilmore talks with both, about their battles with the armed forces during the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" era.
- 2000
- 0
- David Gilmore