Third Coast Audio Library
Our vast and ever-growing collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories, episodes from Third Coast podcasts, educational sessions on craft from the best makers on the planet, and more.
We’ve also featured some incredible audio work beyond this audio library, in other ways and using other formats: don’t miss the 2021 Web Showcase, featuring a more in-depth look at the winners, judges and even a list of 40 finalists from the 2021 Third Coast/RHDF Competition.

Retro Rhetoric: Becoming More Becoming
How to make your dreams of happiness come true.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Sarah Boothroyd

Restful, Shady Places
The authors of Trailer Ahoy! and Trees as Good Citizens enjoy a written correspondence relating to their books' proximity in the library.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Sean Hurley

A deaf-mute, lovelorn waitress has written a friend of her fractured heart. It's a garbled world in which Ruby spins between love, lust, and a bus ticket to California.
- 2003
- 03:01
- Susan Stone

Ruth Ellis
Ruth Ellis lived to be over 100 years old. She realized in her teens that she was gay but she didn't talk much about it then.
- 2002
- 09:16
- Neenah Ellis

Really Nice
Intrigue after the lease is up.
- 2007
- 03:01
- Laura Vitale

Ring It Loud
A tender portrait of the sofly spoken environmental campaigner and former world champion cyclist Judith Sanderson, who 20 years ago smashed 5 middle distance records in her sport.
- 2007
- 02:56
- Emily Williams

Red Baiting
Decommissioned Soviet mousetraps in Brooklyn's Little Odessa.
- 2007
- 03:00
- Joe Milutis

Road Scholar
You might recognize Andrei Codrescu's voice from his insightful commentaries on NPR, but Codrescu has also brought his unique perspective on American culture to the silver screen, via the movie Road Scholar.
- 2001
- 21:45
- Andrei Codrescu

Railway Lines
Sound artist Sylvi MacCormac tells this story about coming home by train along the Canadian Railway Lines.
- 2004
- 07:49
- Sylvi MacCormack

Return to Oakland
When Youth Radio reporters in Oakland, CA, spoke with their friends returning home from Iraq, they realized that the public wasn't hearing the perspectives of these young soldiers.
- 2004
- 02:09
- Youth Radio

Re:sound #272 Radio Residents
This week, three stories by alumni of the Third Coast Radio Residency.

The Return
Javier Zamora was born in El Salvador and his grandparents still live there. But visiting them didn't feel like the home he once knew.
- 2019
- 31:10
- Sayre Quevedo

Re:sound #111: The Radio Ephemera Show
This hour: the weird, wonderful results of the Radio Ephemera ShortDoc Challenge.

Re:sound #27: The Remix Show
This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.

Re:sound #233 The Rabbit Hole Show
This hour, rabbit holes — stories that start exploring one small thing and unexpectedly end up telling a much richer story.

Re:sound #203 The Rivers Show
This hour we meander our way down three rivers in search of solace, spiritual healing and, of course, total domination.
- 2015
- 01:02:10
- Dan Weissmann
- Roman Mars
- Sam Greenspan
- Alex Chadwick
- Dennis Funk

The Ring & I: The Passion, The Myth, The Mania
The grandeur and power of Wagner's monumental work, The Ring Cycle, has permeated our culture to the point that "Wagnerian" is used as an adjective.
- 2005
- 58:58
- Aaron Cohen
- Elena Park
- Jad Abumrad

Re:sound #138 The Running Show
This hour: Running on two legs, running on four, but most importantly, running with all your might.

Re:sound: #207 The Oops!... Who Dunnit Again Show
This hour two mysteries: one involving an obscure novel and Britney Spears, and the other a real life murder most fowl.
- 2015
- 01:00:07
- Phoebe Judge
- Lauren Spohrer
- Starlee Kine
- Alex Blumberg
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #90: The Repetition Show
This hour: earworms, mantras, and stories told again and again.

Re:sound #156 The Russia Show
This hour: The Russians are coming! The Russians are coming!

Red White & Bruised
2012 ShortDocs Winner! Don Floyd looks back on his life of eighty years, after surviving a heart attack in March of 2012.
- 2012
- 02:57
- Brian Barnhart Jr
- John Musto

Remembering Andrew
On August 24, 1992, Hurricane Andrew slammed into Miami-Dade County changing the landscape of South Florida forever.

Re:sound #72: The Retirement Show
This hour: the golden years.
- 2007
- 58:32
- Joe Richman
- David Greenberger
- Dan Collison
- Roman Mars

Re:sound #39: The Radio Show
This hour: the strange, storied, hodgepodge history of radio.
- 2006
- 58:30
- Joe Richman
- Chris Brookes
- Geoff Siskind
- Roman Mars