Third Coast Audio Library
Our vast and ever-growing collection contains thousands of carefully curated audio stories, episodes from Third Coast podcasts, educational sessions on craft from the best makers on the planet, and more.
We’ve also featured some incredible audio work beyond this audio library, in other ways and using other formats: don’t miss the 2021 Web Showcase, featuring a more in-depth look at the winners, judges and even a list of 40 finalists from the 2021 Third Coast/RHDF Competition.

A Transgender Childhood
Growing up isn't easy - when you feel as if your mind is one gender, and your body another.
- 2008
- 03:03
- Tina Antolini

A Now Famous Tree
When spontaneous young sexual drives mingle in the shade of a tree, a unique and mysterious relationship is seeded.
- 2008
- 02:59
- Lynn Thompson

Ad Absurdum
A herd of marketing hits, cliches and platitudes, featuring a chorus of cats and two pounds of Velveeta.
- 2008
- 02:58
- Sarah Boothroyd

A Drinking Song
Could The Star Spangled Banner be recast as a drinking song? Holger Mohaupt suggests that in this family, it could.
- 2004
- 01:40
- Holger Mohaupt

A Voice of Warning
A heroin overdose left Jade Bell blind, mute and unable to care for himself. Now Bell tours high schools in British Columbia, where his computerized "voice" speaks a loud warning to thousands of students.
- 2002
- 14:31
- Anne Penman
- Trisha Wilson

A Square Meal, Regardless
When Cedric Chambers and John Gallagher met by chance 45 years ago, neither imagined that they'd be caring for each other into old age.
- 2008
- 07:07
- Jen Nathan Orris

A Tail of Two Mice, or, Dry Sponge Cake
The love between two mice turns soar with a lacl of cheese whip and an encounter with a time warp mousetrap.
- 2007
- 02:59
- Catie Talarski

American Dream
The mice have invaded and are having some R and R... so I might as well help them enjoy themselves.
- 2007
- 02:36
- Chris Angelos

A Time to Tip
The courageous story of one coffee mug trying to get by in a house of people he hates. (Writing from the perspective of the mug in the first person, present tense.)
- 2007
- 02:58
- David Hain

An American Tail
Cats and mice, peace and war, Russia and the USA -- do you still believe in these oppositions?
- 2007
- 02:32
- Anastasia Ivanova

Are You Sure?
A look at the age old dilemma -- the unexpected pregnancy, and a peek into how today's busy, independent woman approaches the unexpected news.
- 2008
- 03:00
- Carrie Shepherd

Avant Guardian
The Avant Guardian fights crime using the power of surrealism and his trusty P.S.M.G.
- 2007
- 03:00
- David Weinberg

Anthony and the Green Goats
Anthony explains the economics of the Goat Farm.
- 2012
- 03:02
- Jenny Ament

A Sense of Place
Filmmaker Tony Hill takes his blind friend to a mystery location, where she discovers her whereabouts solely through her sense of touch.
- 2004
- 04:59
- Tony Hill

All You Need is a Wall (or Rat Shootin')
A micro-doc of a man's love of shootin' rats, while absorbing the laid back city life from his back porch.
- 2010
- 03:00

Re:sound #265 All Stories Are Stories About Power
This week, all stories - even stories about Dunkin' Donuts - are about power.
- 2019
- 54:38
- Sandhya Dirks
- Chenjerai Kumanyika
- Isabel Vázquez

The Audio Guide to Grieving
Sometimes, a death in the family means cousins and casseroles. And sometimes — for one reason or another — it means figuring it out on your own.
- 2018
- 15:08
- Melanie Kruvelis

A Sense of Quietness
Four women face the unexpected consequences of talking about abortion.
- 2018
- 0
- Eleanor McDowall

A Fantasy, A Lie
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Non-English Language Award, selected by Final Round Judges Wederik de Backer, Julia Furlan, and Juan Serrano.
- 2023
- 0
- Pauline Augustyn
- Katharina Smets

Atsimenu jo žvilgsnį. Istorija apie karį ir migrantą (I Remember His Look. The Story of a Soldier and a Migrant)
Winner of the 2022-23 Third Coast/RHDF Competition Best Documentary: Gold Award, selected by Final Round Judges Jimmy Gutierrez, Rachel Matlow, Melissa Mbugua, Priska Neely, and Mike Williams.
- 2023
- 42:27
- Sigita Vegytė
- Vaida Pilibaitytė
- Adomas Zubė

Re:sound #102: The Animals Show
This hour: foxes, rabbits, snakes, whales, birds, lambs, and dogs.

American Student Radio
American Student Radio (ASR) is cultivating your future radio heroes.

Re:sound #80: The Art Show
This hour: a young patient escapes his hospital bed through flights of imagination, a musician documents a city under siege, and more.

Re:sound #240 The Aftermath Show
This hour two stories about what remains after the fighting stops.
- 2017
- 01:02:00
- Malcolm Gladwell
- Mia Lobel
- Roxanne Scott
- Jacob Smith
- Anik See
- Dennis Funk

Re:sound #174 The American Icons Show
This hour: the American Icons series from WNYC's Studio 360.