Why Do I Stay?
When Rainy was 17, she met a producer named Courtney Stein from WNYC’s Radio Rookies.
Best Documentary: Bronze2016 Third Coast/Richard H. Driehaus Competition2016 / Courtney Stein / Rainy / This American Life , USA

When Rainy was 17, she met a producer named Courtney Stein from WNYC’s Radio Rookies.
Rainy wanted to make a radio story about how she gotten into an abusive why she stayed in it for so long. Rainy spent the next two years in and out of that abusive relationship, and she worked with Courtney during that time to report this story.
Why Do I Stay? was reported by Rainy and produced by Courtney Stein for Radio Rookies. Kaari Pitkin edited the story and Sean Cole produced the story for This American Life .
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Courtney Stein is a producer with WNYC's Radio Rookies.

Rainy is a born and raised Brooklynite and an animal lover who has worked at a veterinary office and a shelter.
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