This Umamican Life
Three acts of This Umamican Life here in Austin, TX in the style of This American LIVE, the live theatre show inspired by This American Life.
2013 / Jeff Brit / Michael Ferstenfeld / Tiffany Leigh / TCF, USA
Three acts of This Umamican Life here in Austin, TX in the style of This American LIVE, the live theatre show inspired by This American Life.
produced by
Jeff Britt is an actor, writer, and theatre producer in Austin, Texas.
Michael Ferstenfeld is the Producing Artistic Director and co-founder of Austin, TX-based theatre company, DYSTHEATRE, which is short for "Do You See Theatre," a card-carrying member of two-time B.
Tiffany Leigh is from Chicago - her lover, her salvation. HOME. Pulse. Vital fibers thread existence. Her city by the lake.
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