Studs & Jimmy
Jimmy Yancey, the blues pianist and White Sox groundsman, and Studs Terkel, the broadcaster and author, may have lived at different ends of Chicago but they're both as integral a part of the city as the El...
2009 ShortDocs Challenge: Chicago Sound Drops2009 / Alan Hall / TCF, USA

Jimmy Yancey, the blues pianist and White Sox groundsman, and Studs Terkel, the broadcaster and author, may have lived at different ends of Chicago but they're both as integral a part of the city as the El...
Commissioned by Third Coast for the Chicago Sound Drops collection - short audio works that conjure the city through sound, story, and imagination.
Hear all 13 Chicago Sound Drops.
From Alan Hall: The recording of Studs was made during two visits in 2005. The El was recorded back in 1999 (the year of his wife's death) and Jimmy Yancey's slow blues "I Received a Letter" was recorded in 1943.
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Alan Hall is the founder of Falling Tree Productions in London.
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