Special Feature: The Sarah Awards
To kick-off Third Coast's summer fundraiser, we're doing what we do best — sharing great radio from around the world — with some extra special feature podcasts over the next two weeks.
2015 / Ann Heppermann / Martin Johnson / Dennis Funk / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA
To kick-off Third Coast's summer fundraiser, we're doing what we do best — sharing great radio from around the world — with some extra special feature podcasts over the next two weeks.
On this episode, Re:sound producer Dennis Funk talks to Ann Heppermann and Martin Johnson founders of the new, Third Coast-inspired audio fiction competition, The Sarah Awards.
We also hear a few pieces that will feature on their new podcast Serendipity and learn about their Very Very Short Short Fiction Contest.
Every Heart Has a Limited Amount of Heartbeats by Martin Johnson ( Serendipity , 2015)
We will all die, and those who are already dead slowly becomes faint memories, that can be awakened, and relived.
I Blinked and I Was 30 by Andrea Silenzi ( Serendipity , 2015)
On Andrea's 30th birthday, the universe gave her an impossible assignment. Could she use that day to come to terms with everything she’d done before, and everything she’d hope to do now?
Subscribe to Serendipity: http://apple.co/1OczBGk
And remember, it's fundraiser time here at Third Coast, so if you love what we do, please consider making a donation (pssst there are prizes if you do. We'd all be super thankful. donatenow.networkforgood.org/ThirdCoast
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk
produced by
Ann Heppermann (@annheppermann) is an award-winning independent radio reporter and educator.
Martin Johnson (@mradioj) is co-founder of Soundtelling in Stockholm and the co-founder of the Sarahs Award, celebrating audio for the 21st century.
Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.