Special Feature: Persevering Rick
From the ABC's Long Story Short, the story of a guy who was thrown a lot of curve balls, and overcame them all.
2013 / Mike Williams / Katie Mingle / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

From the ABC's Long Story Short, the story of a guy who was thrown a lot of curve balls, and overcame them all.
Persevering Rick was produced for Long Story Short by Mike Williams with sound engineer Timothy Nicastri. Long Story Short was created and presented by Jesse Cox and Mike Williams, and produced by Winding Track and Creative Nonfiction in association with ABC Radio National. The series producer is Lorena Allam.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Katie Mingle
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Mike (he/him) makes documentaries and podcasts about Australian characters and culture.

Katie Mingle (@katiemingle) is the senior editor and a producer for 99% Invisible.