Special Feature: Easy Love
This week on Re:sound, a powerful story of love and loss... plus an interview with Australian producer Jaye Kranz
2014 / Jaye Kranz / Dennis Funk / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This week on Re:sound, a powerful story of love and loss... plus an interview with Australian producer Jaye Kranz
Easy Love by Jaye Kranz ( Long Story Short [ABC Radio National], 2014)
Twenty six years ago, Warren Kirk was at home in his Melbourne east-suburban rental. He was freshly showered, he was in his kitchen, and he was about to do something he'd never done before.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk
produced by

Jaye Kranz is a Melbourne, Australia based radio producer, writer and musician.

Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.