Re:sound #191 The Songs My Mother Taught Me Show
This week one woman's story unfolds through many threads.
2014 / Chris Brookes / Dennis Funk / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This week one woman's story unfolds through many threads.
Songs My Mother Taught Me
by Chris Brookes (CBC, 1998)
When soldiers from Newfoundland came to London to fight in WWII, many met and married local women and brought their British war brides back home after the war ended. This story is mostly about one such bride, Producer Chris Brookes' mother, a woman of mystery, charm, and above all, secrets. After her death she unwittingly left behind a few key items — including a diary — and from these Chris begins to unravel her story. He discovers her thirst for life on the one hand, a deep sense of longing on the other, and lots more than he expected about himself.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Dennis Funk.
produced by

Chris Brookes was an independent radio producer whose audio documentaries won many international awards including the Peabody Award and the Prix Italia.

Dennis Funk was formerly Third Coast's senior producer.