The Signing

The bureaucracy surrounding support for the unemployed is often mindless and ultimately de-humanizing for everyone involved.

2012 / Ellie Richold / Nina Garthwaite / In the Dark, UK

The bureaucracy surrounding support for the unemployed is often mindless and ultimately de-humanizing for everyone involved.

But that doesn't mean that audio stories about the issue must also crush your soul! Case in point: The Signing reconstructs the experience of contacting the UK's federally-run JobCentre (or "signing") and finds some sympathy for both sides of the effort, through reconstructed phone calls, sound design and a wee bit of humour.

The Signing was commissioned from Ellie Richold for In the Dark's Sound Bank series. Read more about In the Dark from founder Nina Garthwaite (including how you can get involved) and about Richold's own mind-numbing Jobcentre experience, Behind the Scenes.

produced by

Ellie Richold

Since graduating from Goldsmith's MA radio course Ellie Richold has worked part-time for the BBC Spanish American service with occasional stints with the African service. Richold was shortlisted for Reuters Student Radio journalist of the year in 2007 and nominated for a Sony award in 2008. Over the years, she has produced and contributed to the World Service's Heart and Soul programme and worked as a researcher for several different production companies. She is currently studying a Masters in Cinematography and Post-production.

Nina Garthwaite

Nina Garthwaite (@NinaGarthwaite1) founded In The Dark, a group of radio producers and audiophiles who curate, commission and create audio for communal listening in the UK and beyond.

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