Re:sound #73: The Siblings Show

This hour: brothers and sisters contend with family illness.

2007 / Julie Kimberly / Karen Brown / Roman Mars / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: brothers and sisters contend with family illness.

Epic, Painful, Long, Scary
by Julie Kimberly (Street Stories, ABC, 2006)
The 19-year-old African-Australian twins featured in this story hardly remember their mother and father who both died from AIDS-related illnesses when the boys were just toddlers. As fate would have it, one of boys was found to be HIV-positive, the other perfectly healthy. The twins share their fears, hopes, and secrets about growing up together with this reality between them.

A Burden to Be Well
by Karen Brown, edited by Mary Beth Kirchner (WFCR, 2006)
Much has been said and written about the siblings of children with chronic illness, but far less has been studied about the siblings of children with severe mental illness. Siblings' needs often go unmet despite their suffering in their own right, from trauma, guilt, grief, and the burden of heavy responsibilities.

This episode of Re:sound was produced by Roman Mars.

produced by

Julie Kimberly

In 2000, after travelling the world for four years, Julie Kimberly's friend mentioned that there was a job opening at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation/ABC.

Karen Brown

Karen Brown (@kbrownreports) is a longtime health reporter at New England Public Radio (WFCR) in Western Massachusetts, where she has produced national radio documentaries on traumatic stress, bipolar disorder, hypochondria, and other mental health issues.

Roman Mars

Roman Mars (@romanmars) is the creator of 99% Invisible , a short radio show about design and architecture.

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