Re:sound #27: The Remix Show
This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.
2005 / TCF / WBEZ 91.5, USA

This hour: producers and sound artists go to the audio playground and remix to their heart's content.
Sopranos in the West Wing and Terminally Blonde
by Jonathan Mitchell (Studio 360, 2003)
Producer Jonathan Mitchell edits together disparate TV shows (The Sopranos and The West Wing) and movies (Terminator 2 and Legally Blonde) to create hilarious pop culture remixes. We play two of them and talk to Jonathan about his work.
The Neighborhood Freaks
by Jay Allison
A fictional narrative comprised of completely unrelated radio stories. Veteran radio producer Jay Allison describes it this way: all these interview tapes were sitting side-by-side on the shelf and one day the people on the tapes just started talking to one another.
by Sean Cole (All Things Considered, 2005)
It's happened to all of us: you're in your car and song X comes on the radio. In a nanosecond, your brain digs through all your dusty memory files and sends out an alert: this sounds just like song Y! And you wonder, did someone steal song X from song Y? Maybe. You'll never know. But what if song X and song Y were sung by the same band? Can a band steal from itself? Or are they just being... consistent? One music fan remixed two songs and put them to the ultimate test.
by DJ Paul V
The host of The Smash Mix on Indie 103.1 in LA gives a brief introduction to the mash-up: two songs digtally combined to form a new, seamless pop masterpiece.
The Change in Farming
by Adam Goddard and Steve Wadhams (Outfront, CBC, 1998)
This story brings together a young Toronto composer, Adam Goddard, whose passion is music, and his 90-year-old grandfather, Henry Haws, whose passion is farming. Adam used recorded interviews with his grandfather about the "good old days" to create a modern musical composition -- and the result is a little like rap.
Interview with the Books
One of our favorite bands is The Books: Paul de Jong and Nick Zammuto. On their first national tour, they stopped by our studio to talk with TCF artistic director Julie Shapiro about their music and how they put it all together. If you enjoy rich sound from a lot of different sources — thrift store records, found tape, TV shows — then this is the band for you.
This episode of Re:sound was produced by Roman Mars.
produced by

Jonathan Mitchell (@TheTruthFiction) is the creator and producer of The Truth, a Radiotopia podcast that makes short films without pictures.

Jay Allison (@jay_allison) has been an independent public radio producer, journalist, and teacher since the 1970s.

Sean Cole (He/Him) is a supervising producer and occasional guest host at This American Life.
DJ Paul V. is an institution in the L.A. club scene, and whose eclectic club and radio DJ career has thrived for over 30 years.
Adam Goddard is a composer, producer and recording artist.

Born in England, Steve Wadhams was a producer at the BBC before moving to Canada in 1974 to join the CBC program As it Happens.

Roman Mars (@romanmars) is the creator of 99% Invisible , a short radio show about design and architecture.