Own Your Thing (Part 1)
More than ever you can own your podcast - make it, distribute it, sell it. How is it done?

More than ever you can own your podcast - make it, distribute it, sell it. How is it done?
Discover if you have the interest - and the stomach - to be a radio entrepreneur, and learn what it takes.
Own Your Thing (Part 1) was hosted by Lea Thau, with panelists Daniel Alarcón (Radio Ambulante), Hillary Frank (Longest Shortest Time), and Nick van der Kolk (Love + Radio).

Daniel Alarcón (he/him) is Executive Producer of Radio Ambulante Studios, a pioneering Spanish language audio journalism company distributed by NPR.

Hillary Frank (@hillaryfrank) is the creator and executive producer of The Longest Shortest Time, the parenting show for everyone.

Lea Thau (@leathau) is a Peabody Award-winning producer, and the creator, producer and host of the podcast Strangers (from KCRW's Independent Producer Project and Radiotopia).
Nick van der Kolk (@nickvdk) is a radio producer, sound designer, and events organizer whose work has aired on numerous radio outlets worldwide.