Mudslide Part 2: After the Avalanche
In the era of Donald Trump, journalists have had to adapt as storytellers.
2017 / ,

In the era of Donald Trump, journalists have had to adapt as storytellers.
The president’s choice to use news media as a political foil obviously complicates our work, making the facts themselves a point of debate. But the challenges are far deeper.
Americans’ basic assumptions about life and society are sharply polarized. The reaction to the president’s remarks in the wake of Charlottesville illustrated this divide: A great many people heard the president equivocate on Nazis and were morally outraged; a great many others met his remarks with a shrug.
Host Kai Wright, (WNYC’s Narrative Unit, The Nation ) and panelists Eve Epstein ( Marketplace ), Al Letson ( Reveal ) and Leital Molad ( Intercepted , First Look Media) explore the questions that face the media including: How do we make stories that reach people across our cultural and political divides? How do we respond to a presidency at war with the press? What challenges and successes have we found so far?