Mike Schmidt on a Purple Bike
Old friends and newly neighbors, Andy and Amanda stalk their Brooklyn block to uncover the mystique of a neighborhood legend who curiously resembles one of baseball's greatest Hall of Famers.
2012 / Amanda Culkowski / Andrew Trimbach / TCF, USA

Old friends and newly neighbors, Andy and Amanda stalk their Brooklyn block to uncover the mystique of a neighborhood legend who curiously resembles one of baseball's greatest Hall of Famers.
Mike Schmidt on a Purple Bike was produced by Amanda Culkowski and Andrew Trimbach for the 2012 ShortDocs Challenge.
produced by
Brooklyn based Toledo native Amanda Culkowski isn't always stalking her neighbors. During the day, she helps to create TV shows that your mom probably watches. At night, you can usually find her working on a book she's writing about her dad. She also spends a lot of time hanging out with and running away from her dog. Amanda pines for better posture, more freckles, a house in the woods, and for you to read her blog.
Raised in Dayton, OH but now living in Brooklyn, Andrew Trimbach has always been a baseball fan and within minutes will give you a nickname. He spends a lot of time thinking about birds and animals, which he prefers over people. Andy is very close to his family and speaks to at least one family member a day, even if it's telling his mother not to worry about him and that he's old enough to handle himself at age 34.
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